Highest Rated Comments

VerticalNystagmus45 karma

Former criminal prosecutor here. First, the District Attorney (DA) is an elected official. Want to accountability from that office? Vote the DA out. Second, I agree that a prosecutor is by far the most powerful party when it comes to individual cases even more so than the judge. The judge is bound by the law. A prosecutor can exercise discretion in any case (of course taking into account victim rights, ethics, etc.). But can you provide a cite that prosecutors "often oppose everything"? Are you referencing the National District Attorney's Association or individual prosecutors? From my experience, prosecutors are some of the staunchest supporters of drug law reforms- prosecutors are already overworked and would rather focus on assaultive crimes rather than simple possession crimes. Still, because of existing drug laws, prosecutors are at the forefront of deferred prosecution programs, first time offender programs, treatment court programs and even marijuana decriminalization. I'm willing to answer any response for the prosecutor's perspective.

VerticalNystagmus3 karma

Can you start hanging out with the guy from Super Mario Crossover and make more awesome throwback Mario games? My 9 year old nephew loves your website and anything old-school Mario.

VerticalNystagmus3 karma

No love for pi approximation day 7/22?

VerticalNystagmus1 karma

No question, I just read through every question and realized you answered them all. From one Asian male lawyer to another, I love your work man. Hope to see you at a NAPABA conference someday. Keep up the good fight.