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TrueHybrid3 karma

I'm English and a massive fan of Don't Flop, (obviously) King Of The Dot, URL, Basementality, etc. and you are the reason i got into battle rap. Must have been a while back but I saw one of your battles and was immediately hooked on written battles. Anyway I have 2 questions -What is you favourite league to battle in and why? -If you could battle any UK rapper from Don't Flop, who you haven't battled already who would it be and why?

TrueHybrid3 karma

Is it an English rapper cause there's a long list of guys I wanna see you face In DF, what would be your top pick to battle from these guys? Arkaic YouthOracle Dialect Mr 13 Bamalam Eurgh (again)

TrueHybrid2 karma

Answer mine bro haha