Highest Rated Comments

TehKombatWombat21 karma

Do you have any good memories that can help overshadow the bad ones?

TehKombatWombat15 karma

What is the funniest thing a heckler has said to you? And how did you respond?


TehKombatWombat9 karma

If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

How did you end up being a concierge?

Are there any perks to the job that most people wouldn't think about?

Any famous people you have dealt with?

Best/Worst experiences? Weirdest?

TehKombatWombat3 karma

How do you know if a dog is a suitable candidate for something like this? What specific characteristics are you looking for?

TehKombatWombat2 karma

Good morning Mr. Assange (at least morning where I'm from)

My question for you is:

What can the average American do to protect their privacy without giving up their entire technological lifestyle? I need a smart phone and computer for my line of work (as I imagine most do), so I am wondering what I can do to limit the intrusiveness of our government and other organization while still maintaining the use of these devices.

Thank you!