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RustInPieces9 karma

One of the biggest pains in building a large complex was supplying it with energy cells. To make anything self sufficient, you had to build solar power plants, which required you to build crystal fabs, which needed silicon mines, plus two types of food plants, all of which also require more energy so you had to have more of everything. More solar power plants, more crystal fabs, more food loops.
Will this be less complicated and expensive in rebirth?

Thank you. I am really looking forward to Rebirth, been waiting for it for years.

RustInPieces4 karma

Yes. Search youtube for the x rebirth soundtrack.

RustInPieces3 karma

Will there be a benchmark or Demo? It would be very useful to see if our systems could run it. You already have the Gamescom demo, you could easily use that. A free demo could improve sales.