Highest Rated Comments

RENEGADEcorrupt18 karma

We had a gay dude in our infantry unit. Not sure how it is in the navy, but in the Army nothing is held back. Racist jokes. Momma jokes. You get the deal. Well, we had. A briefing like what the dude above said. We had our "resident gay" do it. It was the best briefing we ever got. Full of jokes, pats in the back, and gay chicken. I dont think anyone who hasn't been in infantry would understand. Who cares who you like, or what you wanna be! As long as you got my back in a firefight, we are good. Isnt that part of the freedom we defend?

RENEGADEcorrupt3 karma

Well, I do a lot of IT. Been in the industry (including military time) for almost a decade. But I'd do almost anything to put food on the plate for my family lol.

RENEGADEcorrupt3 karma

You wanna help another struggling vet get a job?

RENEGADEcorrupt3 karma

Sounds like 99% of anything related to money.

RENEGADEcorrupt2 karma

I could use a job. I love video games..... uh, help keep a roof over my families head!