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NorthernScrub1586 karma

You essentially built a platform that allows users to let a perjorative majority censor what they are exposed to on the internet. You are dressing up wilful ignorance as personal safety and creating an avenue for information control. That's not what the internet was designed for. Life is not kind, nor is it cruel. It is an ambiguous mix of the two, and exposure to both in relative measure is how we develop our sense of empathy, strength of character, stoicism and individuality. Since the internet is an integral part of community today, it must be treated in the same fashion.

As newer generations become more connected, the internet is invariably going to develop communities that become little bubbles on the internet. It's going to be difficult enough to maintain the free dissemination of information as it is, even without your platform. Echo chambers do not serve a positive purpose, they are the reason behind many extremist standpoints today. Adding to this problem is not clever, it's absurdly Orwellian.

How on earth do you justify what you're doing?

NorthernScrub114 karma

This one is fascinating. Most people find spiders unnerving because of their appearance. Do you have a theoretical shape of a spider in your mind, or is it a sensation born more of empathy? or an entirely different reason?

NorthernScrub112 karma

Do you have a portfolio? Many people in our industry (I am an applications developer) balk at the idea of setting up hosting, but it's actually fairly easy with the number of free-to-use services available. You can host a website on Github nowadays, and I think dot.tk is still around for free URLs.

NorthernScrub55 karma

Gig work is enough to make an impact! I keep all the little projects and tidbits and pick a few from them to stick up on mine, I've even had requests for licensing for some of my bits and pieces. I spent half an hour on a micro-CMS platform that I've had quite some interest in over the past year, it's absolutely worth it!

NorthernScrub23 karma

I just found an interview on youtube. The way you are currently living is extremely similar to myself. I'm developing a platform of my own for another industry, but I struggle with motivation and most days I get maybe an hour or two of actual work in (in amongst other things, like keeping the rest of my business afloat).

How do you manage to keep your focus on development? Do you find that concentrating on development is difficult, and do you have a methodology for surpassing that?