Highest Rated Comments

MttChlk401 karma

Hi there, I'm a big fan,

Thanks for doing an AMA, you're most famous, in my eyes, for playing Turk from Scrubs. In a Movie or TV Show, which character would you have liked to play most?


MttChlk2 karma

In all honesty it does sound pretty awesome if 'the Jurassic Park' happens. Scary albeit that science can recreate something from millions of years in the past. Thanks for the answer.

MttChlk2 karma

Can you draw a giraffe for announcing the sex of our first child? Think that'll be cool, checked out your work it's awesome.

MttChlk2 karma

Do you think you'd make a good politician with all the bluffing you do?

MttChlk1 karma

Hi Dave, big fan,

What is the likelihood of Jurassic Park actually happening?
