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Mojonator249 karma

Next year for April fool's can you put up Klingon and Jibberish as options?

Mojonator178 karma

How do you feel watching the show back now?

How was the relationship between Amy and Samy? were they happy together or what? (if you feel like you can answer?)

Are you glad they're getting this attention (do you think they deserve it?) and dug their grave pretty deep?

How are you today?

Mojonator69 karma

can you collect evidence and at least report these universities and have them shut down?

Seriously it seems like a giant scam and you have the potential.

edit: i'd like to add also - the people who take these courses seem to want to improve their lives they just dont know how.

Mojonator40 karma

I'm sure reddit can forgive you for that lol.

Do you have plans to do it though? i want to convince my dad that klingon is a legit language used online and i want to try see if i can convince him to try and learn it. (he's a major star trek fan)

Oh and also, just to put it out there I loved using the site for German, although i stopped at the start of the university year i plan on starting again.

Mojonator23 karma

Oh and just remembered another question, very off topic to my original but - if you had to quit being a porn star tomorrow and could get any job you wanted, what would you pick?