Highest Rated Comments

LarryZlotowitz2 karma


Really enjoyed the article.

I’m a big advocate of TNR, particularly since the re-launch. I’m curious on what your thoughts are about how the magazine has changed since January. If you can be candid, what do you like more/less about working there?

On the story, via a friend in law school: less and less I can find a compelling reason for law schools to exist at all in their current form. With the exception of legal writing and any clinical work, couldn’t most of the curriculum (i.e. “learning how to think like a lawyer”) be integrated into an undergraduate program in legal studies or philosophy? Then throw in a two-year post-grad practicum rotation for actual legal experience?

LarryZlotowitz1 karma


Also curious if you've had a chance to read a response to your piece from Mark Obbie at Slate.


One of his main points is that Big Law has been dying for more than 30 years. Whereas you're arguing that it's a more recent phenomenon attributable to the recession, more transparency around billing and a glut in the supply of young lawyers with mountains of debt.

Has Big Law been dying for decades as Robbie says? Is it fair to say that your argument is that Big Law has been dying for a while but that the problems are exacerbating due to recent developments?