Highest Rated Comments

Justagreewithme83 karma

Seeing as you used an illegally owned/acquired firearm, what are your views on gun control. More specifically, how did you illegally acquire a gun, and would stricter laws prevent it? Would harsher sentences for firearms have deterred pre-convicted you of buying a firearm to begin with? Would stricter laws reduced access I your opinion?

Justagreewithme55 karma

Would you say he ignores requests like you are ignoring all the controversial questions asked to you?

Justagreewithme34 karma

I feel the same way. It's great that they support the 2nd amendment, but then they throw the 4th under the bus and back over it. What the hell? I would love to see an organization that would just want to protect the constitution as a whole.

Justagreewithme32 karma

Yes, it's possible, but that doesn't mean the American dreaming isn't dying, just that it isn't dead. Today is a lot harder to succeed in than fifty years ago.

Justagreewithme23 karma

Hamilton discusses this in the Federalist papers. He specifically discusses the difference between standing army, militia and armed populace. His stance was that an armed populace is imperative if there is a standing army(which we have). It will take me time to dig up the actual source/which paper.