Highest Rated Comments

He_who_humps54 karma

What is your all-time, favorite album

He_who_humps2 karma

Monte Cook !!!!! whoop whoop! Thanks for the memories man!

He_who_humps2 karma

Thanks for the AMA! I loved Masters of the Universe. Would you be up for doing another?

He_who_humps2 karma


I tend to wake up very easily when I become lucid. I can't seem to not think about my body and of my breathing. Any tips?

Also, have you noticed any link between lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis? I frequently wake up paralysed and it has occurred in conjunction with waking from a lucid dream.

He_who_humps2 karma

I Loved General Chaos, Rampage, and Xenophobe. I must say, I was not happy with the way Kansas City was depicted in Rampage- Cows and Silos? Really? My kids still play rampage on Wii.