Highest Rated Comments

GregorySpikeMD100 karma

Hi guys,

I just bought Everything Sucks today for my 20th birthday, like in cd format! My question is: What's your favourite song to play live, and why is it Here With Me? (kidding, but seriously I love that song so much) Also, Milo, as a biology student I'm interested in how you keep balance between your research and your music. Do you build the tours around your research schedule or do you just create time?

PS: please please please keep making music!

GregorySpikeMD41 karma

You just made my day!

GregorySpikeMD19 karma

Hey Tim,

Can I just ask, on an average basis, how much sleep do you get? Love the idea behind the project, I find it very inspiring.

GregorySpikeMD1 karma

Thanks for the reply, I guess today you're a Russian?

GregorySpikeMD-1 karma

Why is it that people (from Crimea) seem to be attracted more towards Russia, rathan than towards Europe? Is it because of heritage and your history, or because of the crisis? Cause to us, it just seems like Putin is invading countries, neglecting his people for the Olympics, and rewarding those who discriminate and use violence against those who differ from them. Yes, I'm aware that this is just the synopsis of his worst actions.

What I'm really interested in is, what is the appeal/are the advantages of Russia?