Highest Rated Comments

GreatOwl1105 karma

This. Challenging PvE that requires grouping is far more interesting than questing.

I think people have mixed up the genre and that's why most MMOs have floundered lately. MMORPGs were never about questing. They were about a social experience; a game that required significant interaction with other players to progress. Modern MMORPGs seem to be a single player RPG where other players are occasionally present.

There is massive pent up demand for a truly social player interactive MMORPG and no one is delivering. Execs have passed off the failure of the MMO as a problem of the subscription model. I disagree. Its a failure to deliver an actual MMO. Anyone who has played a truly good MMO such as EQ (up through Luclin) knows that the last thing you're concerned about is the $15 per month. It was so addictingly fun - something today's MMOs don't have.

GreatOwl137 karma

Former banker here. I'd also add that when banks do try to report ML, at least the small time ML, the government does nothing with it.

GreatOwl116 karma

Also one of the reasons EvE continues to exist. Players as content has a far longer shelf life than quests / story as content.

GreatOwl16 karma

No better time to do it. I know I lost a house in my early 20s and the consequences were basically nil. In fact, losing that house was the best financial decision I've ever had. Its value only just now recovered, some 10+ years later.

GreatOwl15 karma

He's referring to the original unbasterdized EQ - the one that was successful. Not the modern day garbage no one plays.