Highest Rated Comments

Godrics329 karma

Mr. Gunn, what advice would you give to someone less-advantaged financial who wants to build a solid wardrobe?

Godrics55 karma

Out of curiosity, why is the nipple typically NOT preserved when mastectomies are performed? Does it have something to do with the structure of the breast, and the degree to where the cancer has spread?

Godrics23 karma

As a graduate of the CPS system, I would like to thank you for making a difference; CPS gets a terrible rep, but there is such a variety of outstanding teachers who deserve to be appreciated.

What would you say was the strangest situation you've encountered as an educator, and the funniest?

Godrics2 karma

Mr. Trammell, I loved you in True Blood, and look forward to seeing you in your upcoming film. What is your most enjoyable thing in acting, and what is/are some of the funny things that go on behind the set of True Blood?

Godrics2 karma

How are people around you doing? How are you doing?