Highest Rated Comments

GibsysAces62 karma

So I haven't read your story or anything but what was your thought process going into the heist?

GibsysAces11 karma

Anurag thank you for this

Who is the most humble actor have worked with?

Shah ruh khan looks like he would be great fun to work with and just a fun guy to spend time with, is he as fun outside of the theatre as he looks on the award shows?

GibsysAces3 karma

Hi Guys, question for all three.

Who (leaving yourself out of the equation Richard :P) do you think is the greatest director/producer of both todays generation of film and the greatest of all time?

GibsysAces1 karma

Hi Jimmy, love VGHS quick question

Are you a fighting game fan and if so why is your favourite fighting game Blazblue: Calamity Trigger?

GibsysAces1 karma

Fun story, I had this exact situation (splitting 20's with 6 or 5 showing) 3 hands in a row which lead to the boss girl of the tables watching and an extra security at the door. Played a couple more hands, said thank you to the dealer and tipped him then coloured up and left.

The security did make a mention of have a nice night, that was enough for me to know they were watching.