Highest Rated Comments

DougyAM185 karma

That journalists are no longer the unbiased newssources they used to be.

I question if there ever was a golden age of journalism in which bias never played a part in reporting. Things might have (probably) gotten worse over time with the invention of 24 hour news media but at the same time the globalization of communications has enabled people to find more sources than they normally would have and for bullshit to get called out quicker.

DougyAM179 karma

Ships can have AI crew members if its a multi person ship and the player "hires" AI crew members to fill out the roles of their ship (alternatively your friends could do this).

I would imagine that those crew members would take up arms if your ship got boarded or if you boarded an enemy ship.

Humans only at launch but there are alien species in the game with their own ships, languages, commerce etc. and they are scheduled to become playable but not until X time after launch.

DougyAM20 karma

The tories need the transition to be drawn out so that people don't get too up in arms about it.

If the doctors resigned en masse and the tories did anything to profit from it then public outcry would see them out of office extremely quickly.

DougyAM7 karma

They have not started answering the majority of questions yet, they posted on the skylines sub that the AMA would not properly start until an hour after the thread went live.