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DasMunch283 karma

I recently saw Dangerous Liaisons for the first time and I loved you in it. So much confidence and swagger, always a step ahead of the game! For the most part at least.

In light of that, what was the costuming process like for it and/or other period pieces you have done? Have you had a hang in picking out what you wore or personal preference for the outfits?

DasMunch15 karma

When filming Top Gun, how much time did you spend in an actual cockpit? Were you ever filmed in flight or was it all done through clever editing and pilots?

DasMunch15 karma

Oh man, was it Jason? I've lived in Auburn for a while now, and for a good bit of time there were signs on the way out to Opelika asking for Bridget to come back to him. I always wondered what that was about.

DasMunch7 karma

Do we have anything coming down the pipe that is a potential replacement for bearings? Is frictionless magnetic bearings a possibility?