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DaleTremont24 karma

Seriously, you should go for it. 1. He's a doctor 2. He likes cucumbers... Sounds legit.

DaleTremont17 karma

Yes, your kitty is very anxious/bored. While it is always best to have them be seen by professional to rule out anything medical...then it is easy to assume the poor thing is stress.

Find out the source of the stress. My cat is neutered alpha male so this time of year when street cats are mating he gets frustrated by them.

Secondly, like Jackson mentioned: play! Exercise! Major cause for this is boredom. They need to be stimulated. We invested in a few treat toys for them to figure out. We LOVE LOVE LOVE DaBird feather toy (I think Jackson uses on his show) to help keep him entertained. Leash training to help broaden his outside world and keep him excited about new things. Jackson's website I believe has a great section on curing boredom.

TL;DR: KITTY IS BORED AND/OR FRUSTRATED. it is easier for vets to try to treat by just prescribing Prozac :< Give kitty time, patience, and attention!

DaleTremont5 karma

I know most of it was editing- but clearly Darienne did not heed your bite-the-tongue advice ;)

DaleTremont4 karma

First off, thank you for your service. Secondly, I want to commend you, your dad, and everyone other non-jackass on the reddit thread for being open and honest. He seems to have a good head about him and we've all seen what happens when responders and victims haven't properly taken care of their mental health. It's important to not only discuss what we're feeling for our own selves, but also to help support others who've witnessed/experienced tragedy. ps- Oklahoma is incredible, the people are wonderful, and the food is good!

Question: Did experiencing it change his career? For better, worse?

DaleTremont1 karma

Did most of you think that this would be where you'd end up in your careers? Were you huge music fans growing up and set out for this, or did you just start off as journalists and got lucky?

Bonus Question Best Weird Al song....go!