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Concerned_Wildebeest148 karma

I knew those small armed bastards couldn't feel ever since I first watched The Land Before Time. Thanks for your answer.

Concerned_Wildebeest91 karma

Can a T-Rex love? All jokes aside, how did you get into paleontology and what are your favorite aspect about your work?

Concerned_Wildebeest18 karma

How did it get to the point of your father just being able to uproot your entire family? Did you and your mother consent to the move and why didn't your father consider your feelings in terms of moving back to the states?

Concerned_Wildebeest2 karma

I worked in a small town theater for three years and I still work there on holidays. I'm sorry it's shutting down. Do you use film or digital? And what do you think were the major contributing factors to you going out of business?

Concerned_Wildebeest1 karma

Hey Andrea, I just wanted to thank you. I listened to you heavily in 2012 (when I was having a really fucking rough time) and you played a big part in getting me through that. I just listened to 'Maybe I Need You' and 'Prism' and teared up. Anyway, as an aspiring Slam AND page poet, what advice would you have for me, if any? Thanks.