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BramaLlama8 karma

I have got a question concerning behavior that I recently experienced in dealing with the police.

The event went down as following:

I was late night walking home with a friend of mine who had celebrated his birthday and therefore was carrying a box of beer. I was pushing my bike because I was talking to him.

We sit down in front of a cigarette vending machine because he wants to take a smoke.

Now we get approached by two people looking suspicious, wearing dark clothes, a cap and a hoodie pulled over their heads.

Now I was suspecting them to be asking for trouble. Once they are near us, the smaller person puts a torchlight in my face blinding me while the other person asks whether we have had any encounter with the police in the past and upon our negation, he proceeds to ask for our passports.

Pretty hammered as i was, but staying calm and not doing anything, I abide by his wish and give it to him. He then starts to mutter strange things into his radio, checking our background and doing all sorts of strange things, like we were criminals.

It then dawns upon my drunken mind that I had not seen any verification of their identity so they could basically be thugs trying to mess with us. So I quite boldly ask whether they really are police or are shitting us (literal translation).

Upon that, I expected a passport or something, but was promptly showed his gun and no verification at all (after all any idiot could have a gun) followed by a harsh "Is that enough proof?".

When they had their reports on our persons back in, we were allowed to leave. I then asked what they wanted in the first place and they said they were looking for car thieves.

Now this is another strange part because I was wearing a suit and pushing a bike and my friend carrying beer. So I would say we were not your average car thieves (also I look like an innocent lamb)

Now the question: Is this standard protocol or did they misbehave in any way. Now I don't want to press charges or anything (nothing would come from it, we were drunk, they were 2 etc. and I don't want satisfaction), I just ask out of curiosity.

EDIT: FYI I'm German

BramaLlama4 karma

And showing me his gun instead? Is that allowed? Because with his harsh reply it seemed like a thread to intoxicated me.