Highest Rated Comments

BowserBandit263 karma

Out of all the dirty, raunchy things Lois has said over the years, which line is your all-time favorite?

BowserBandit41 karma

Can you tell us what to expect from the characters on the newest season of American Dad? "Blonde Ambition" was hilarious, and I loved when you said, "Dude, that shit's tight."

BowserBandit23 karma

Which filmmaker(s) inspired you guys to go into comedy writing/directing?

BowserBandit10 karma

Would you ever consider bringing Jon Benjamin Has a Van back? Y'know, if you can convince Comedy Central to pick it up again?

BowserBandit8 karma

Who were your biggest musical inspirations when you were just starting out as an artist? I'd really like to know.