Highest Rated Comments

AwesomeFama11 karma

It really makes sense. Imagine if you just had one sunflower and one peashooter - if you lost your sunflower, you lost income. If you lost your peashooter, you've lost the game. It's not as straightforward in a real game, but the same principles apply.

AwesomeFama11 karma

It was actually Iribe, not Nate :)

AwesomeFama10 karma

What about persistent lawnmowers on PvZ2 (as in - you lose it in one game, you have to wait for a drop or buy it back)? I've kept from updating it on my phone for that reason. I think they only pushed that update to some of the userbase, so they might have found out it's a bad idea. But nevertheless, that sucks.

Edit: Apparently, they're taking that back since people didn't like it. So hooray!

AwesomeFama8 karma

Have you considered doing it as an animation (something along the lines of Metalocalypse?). I missed the "live action" part when first watching the trailer and it seemed really interesting, but live action is really hard to pull off with a small budget (compared to animation).

AwesomeFama5 karma

Mid-30's males will also probably have more disposable income than 19 year old females.