Highest Rated Comments

AttyToddAllen87 karma

It was 100% accurate. If the attorney for Bank of America has spent five minutes reviewing title they would have seen the mistake. The problem was that we couldn't get anyone at the bank to listen. Everyone refused to look at the documents.

The challenge was getting someone to listen. That's the problem with foreclosure cases across the country. It's a numbers game for the banks. They push them through as fast as possible and deal with the "mistakes" as they arise. The only thing I could do to get their attention is what ended up happening.

AttyToddAllen72 karma

Yeah, they have. All have failed.

AttyToddAllen69 karma

You are messed up.

AttyToddAllen57 karma

I can't really because the cases are still in active litigation.

AttyToddAllen57 karma

It was great learning experience. It taught me to think outside of the box on every case and to never settle for the "standard" answer. It's been great for my career. I get calls on a weekly basis from people across the country asking for help.

Opponents treat me a little differently which is nice. One attorney told me not to sue his client because he had crappy office furniture. Pretty funny.