Highest Rated Comments

Astaris197 karma

CeraVe is a skin moisturizer recommended by a lot of dermatologists. In my drug store it's found near the pharmacy instead of in the skin care aisle.

Maybe check it out? Www.cerave.com

Astaris18 karma

Ok this is just a stupid question about trains I have in general that no one can seem to answer for me, either because I don't understand or because I don't articulate the question well enough.

Trains. Old trains. Like 1800 trains. Has an engine in the front, carts then caboose in the back. How did they turn around? Seriously. One set of tracks, train heads out to the West coast. How did they turn it around so that the caboose and engine are on the opposing ends so it can go East?

If you could explain this to me, I would seriously appreciate it. The whole situation boggles my mind.

Astaris3 karma

Hi guys! I want to start off by saying I am absolutely in love with your music. I've seen you guys play three times live and each time has been memorable and such an incredible amount of fun! You guys come alive on stage and engage with the audience in such a wonderful way.

I was wondering how you all joined up together? How did you all meet and decide that making music together was what you wanted to do?

Astaris1 karma

Secret to eternal happiness. Something I can obtain without shutting myself away from the world for an extended period of time.

Astaris1 karma

I pity-bought a Betta fish after seeing them stacked up in rows in the pet store. I'm trying to give him the best fishy life I can! I wanted to get him a tank buddy or two, but wasn't sure on which. My brother has guppies but I've heard Betta can react badly to them. My friend has ghost shrimp with hers. Any recommendations??