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ArrowInTheMyst4 karma

The Myst games and books changed the course of my life. Thank you so much for the experiences. I was a nerdy kid in an economically depressed area and the first time I played Myst I experienced a profound sense of "Wow, other people think thinking is fun." I'm on my way to grad school in the fall and I don't think I would be the same sort of person without the experiences of the worlds of the D'ni.

Any chance you need a good philosopher? I need a job and would love to work for you. My focus of study is the pedagogy between videogames and minds. My central arguments state that, even though the worlds are digital, the experiences are real. If we want to effect social change for the better videogames represent a unique medium in which social bias of race, gender, economic status, body type, sexual identity, etc, are mostly mitigated, thus the player has a greater degree of freedom to interact with their own consciousness and at a much deeper level. People are what make the world better and videogames offer us a tool to help people make themselves better.

Anyway, huge fan. Sorry to gush.

ArrowInTheMyst3 karma

I'm looking forward to seeing the movie that's going to be made about your life.

ArrowInTheMyst3 karma

Thank you guys for remaking the game. I think keeping the essence of the game while updating the game play itself is going to make Riven even more epic. I understand that some of the puzzles were a little too hard for some people but I implore you too keep the puzzles difficult.

On a personal note I was under challenged during my time in public high school. The Myst games were the first real foray into challenging my mind with difficult problems. I am now grown up and a successful full time philosopher. I believe that these games and the difficulty level of some of the puzzles made me a better person and helped me find my path in life.

In any case thank you for helping to bring this great game to a new generation of players.

ArrowInTheMyst1 karma

Thank you for doing this AMA.

Who is your favorite philosopher? Which philosophical book has been more influential in your writing? your personal life?