Highest Rated Comments

2Weird2Live2Rare2Die141 karma

Upvote for the neutral pronoun despite the claim to ownership of a cervix.

2Weird2Live2Rare2Die127 karma

Haha at number two, but holy shit at number one! If I may ask, what sort of behavior did they read as indicators? I'm just imagining that someone who's visibly dickish in public conduct (shoving in crowds, for example) and then throws something at or otherwise offends a crow could thus teach crows to hate (and, hopefully, poop on) assholes. I might have to make it my life's work to harass crows while wearing AXE body spray and listening to ICP.

2Weird2Live2Rare2Die50 karma

Cool! Thanks! I never knew I didn't know that. :)

2Weird2Live2Rare2Die41 karma

C'mon, mix it up. Go to someone else's grave.

2Weird2Live2Rare2Die14 karma

Oh man, he was the bomb in that!