*** Thanks folks! This was a lot of fun. Wish I could stick around, but I am about to be on Ryan Sprague's podcast SOMEWHERE IN THE SKIES. Thanks for all the great questions. ***

My name is James Fox -- I have been producing documentaries on the subject of UFOs (commonly referred to now as UAPs) for nearly 30 years. I have traveled across the globe from China, Africa, Russia, Australia and many more areas to learn what I could regarding this fascinating subject. I'm making myself available on Reddit Wednesday 11AM PT / 2:00PM ET to discuss the politics of disclosure and my latest film, Moment of Contact. https://youtu.be/pE7hVSlk7Zw

PROOF: https://i.redd.it/n1550a196vv91.jpg

Comments: 900 • Responses: 40  • Date: 

Latyon132 karma

Hi, James!

Question: Have you ever personally seen irrefutable evidence of extraterrestrial life on Earth?

UFOFox43246 karma


planethunter56114 karma

Hi James: regarding the recent alleged 35 second video of the Varginha being, have you seen it personally? have you also seen the alleged photo that has been circulating around as of yesterday? If so on both cases, will you be commenting soon publicly?

UFOFox43135 karma

I have personally spoken to 3 witnesses in Brazil that claim to have seen photographic evidence; both video and stills. There will be details coming soon...very soon.

g_e_r_b142 karma

have you seen it personally?

So that's a no then.

Alabussy43 karma

This entire AMA could have been wrapped up with one question:

"Please answer this question with either "Yes" or "No," and no equivocating: Have you – a filmmaker who does his best to push and amplify the idea that aliens have visited the Earth – ever personally come into contact with verifiable, physical evidence of said aliens?"

UFOFox4365 karma

who said that it's alien to this planet? Do you know something I don't?

ihabiaa60 karma

Hey James, do you have any thoughts on the upcoming UFO report and what you think we could see take place after the new NDAA is passed??

UFOFox4384 karma

I've heard that our timing with, 'Moment of Contact' is perfect; however, we shall see...as this involves crash retrieval with bodies and a solid indication of US involvement.

kemot8842 karma

Are you going to investigate in detail other Brazilian cases like “operation Prato”/Colares? Do you see any possible findings that weren't covered by the previous investigations?

UFOFox43121 karma

Colares. There's filmed evidence (Im told) of a very large craft coming out of the Amazon in 1977. We will be going after this.

uapfan41 karma

As Rony Vernet has stated on twitter, a 35 second video may release very soon. Can you add more to Vitorio Pacaccini's recent testimony?

UFOFox4347 karma

I believe him and I think there is more to come.

loganblackkk40 karma

Can you give us an update on the Area 51 tape that Chuck had that was the best footage you ever saw? Has anyone been able to get a hold of him yet or the other guy that managed to trace someone else down that had a copy of the footage?

UFOFox4361 karma

Yes, Chuck still has it; he has shown it to people recently.

Spence13137 karma

When will we get hard evidence (verified video footage) and not just word of mouth from people we’re meant to trust blindly. We always here I’ve seen this and I’ve seen that but when do the public get to see this? It cannot be kept behind closed doors forever can it?

UFOFox4355 karma

It is up to us to keep pressuring those in a position to release official evidence as something coming from the public sector is great but doesn't have the gravitas. I too am curious where the definitive evidence is and who has the authority to release it.

Minimum-Theme-747436 karma

You recently said you want to walk the halls of congress and dig into where the recovered craft and bodies are located and who has control over this information. How will you go about investigating these deep core secrets?

UFOFox4359 karma

I plan on gaining access to those who have positions within government who can possibly shed light on these questions. They can't pull the wool over my eyes as easily as the uninformed mainstream media. I will keep on trying.

Unhappy_Lunch_143434 karma

James, a few questions (please answer all):

1 - Did you see with your own eyes the photos or videos from the Varginha creature?
2 - Is the person who's in possession of this material a brazilian civilian or military?
3 - Is this person Vitorio Pacaccini?
4 - How much are you offering for those photos/videos?
5 - What is holding your negotiations to obtain those photos/videos?
6 - Explain in details what do you have to do to release those images/videos.
7 - What problem with law the two kids from the Chuck Clark tape had?

UFOFox4343 karma

1) No 2) Both 3) No 4) 200K US 5) Unclear...fear 6) More coming soon. We are doing everything in our power. 7) Not sure; probably spying on the base.

NinoR4532 karma

Hi James, thanks for all your hard work. Your documentaries changed my opinion on this entire subject!

Do you think we should invest more resources into tracking underwater phenomena considering the trans medium nature of some sightings? Are you aware of any projects that are already doing this?

UFOFox4331 karma

yes I've heard very credible accounts from military witnesses

lamboeric29 karma

Hey James, do you think the Varginha case will be addressed at the next UFO report to congress?

UFOFox4355 karma

Only behind the scenes. I'm told this film has already made the rounds on the hill.

Marcuswoody27 karma

How much empathy do you feel for these intergalactic traveller’s under the circumstances of your investigation and their apparent treatment? And what would you see as a better approach moving forward James?

UFOFox4363 karma

When the 3 girls described how scared the creature was, it pained me. We are a hostile bunch.

Spacialexistence25 karma

What other crashes are out there, that haven’t been brought up? Do you believe the craft was shot down? How do aliens so sophisticated, crash here?

UFOFox4340 karma

According to the eyewitness testimony the cigar shaped UFO had a huge gash in the side indicating that something hit it. What that was, I simply don't know. There are some researchers saying that the Americans shot it. That's all I know.

JeffRyan125 karma

Have you ever met John Mack? What was it like?

UFOFox4342 karma

Yes at the 50th anniversary of the Roswell incident. He was delightful.

Jabba_the_Putt22 karma

Hi James! Just want to say thanks for your latest film, I really enjoyed it and consider it to be the greatest documentary made on the subject. I have shown it to many!

I am curious, in all of your travels, meetings, experiences, and work, is there one experience/story/happening/phenomenon that sticks with you the most and why?

bonus question- any upcoming work of yours that we should/can be getting excited about?

thanks for taking the time all the best!

UFOFox4338 karma

I never thought I would hear myself say this, as I know how truly unbelievable the Varginha incident sounds but it is beyond a shadow of doubt; my favorite case. As far as my next project, I want to dig deep for the evidence and who has the authority to release it.

alackey16 karma

Hi James, thanks for all you've done on the topic. Did you look into who owned the white house at the time, next to the alleged crash site?

UFOFox4330 karma

yes, it was a new couple that knew nothing. However, we did speak to a farm hand that confirmed neighbors having heard an explosion.

Windman77215 karma

Hi James. I purchased Moment of Contact and enjoyed it. My question is why you chose the Varginha incident to focus on? There was some good new information, but many of these witnesses had been interviewed on previous documentaries, so a lot of it was a rehash of old stuff.

UFOFox4338 karma

Thanks. We had Brazilian UFO researchers from 1996 confirming lots of new information and most Americans have never heard of this case. IF true, it's the most significant event since Roswell. PS: I wouldn't have spent 12 years (on and off) investigating if I didn't believe it happened.

zz23ke15 karma

What's the most striking evidence you've seen personally?

You must be tough to shake, so what accounts have shocked you most recently?

Thanks for speaking with us today!

UFOFox4342 karma

I would say not a single witness featured in Moment of Contact approached us. My partner, Marco Leal, myself and a few others spent well over a decade convincing some of them to come forward. Military X in particular was the most difficult and his testimony shook me to the core. I knew who he was, saw photos of him in the military and had the distinct advantage of looking him in the eyes.

skipadbloom14 karma

Do you have a theory bias?

UFOFox4351 karma

I have absolutely no idea what's going on.

dead-mans-switch12 karma

Hi James, do you think the material that can be crushed and unfolds by itself having an identical description to the material found in the Roswell incident is more than just coincidence?

UFOFox4320 karma

That aspect of Mr. Sousa's testimony was fascinating. I wish I had more information for you.

jasonafay197811 karma

Hi James! Moment of Contact is such a beautiful film! To go back to The Phenomenon, are you still considering releasing the extra hours of footage from that project? Thanks!

UFOFox4327 karma

I think we included 2 hours of bonus material already on iTunes and Vimeo.

MGA_MKII11 karma

What does our human future on earth look like Post Disclosure?

UFOFox4355 karma

I firmly believe that an acceptance of a non-human intelligence would have a unifying effect on humanity -- we would see ourselves for who we really are; one race, one species.

SpinDubTracks9 karma

It seems the current direction of the US government investigation of UAP is carefully avoiding mention of undersea phenomena but instead focusing on UAP in space. Based on the work you have done thus far, why do you think this is?

UFOFox4318 karma

Ive actually heard credible accounts from both Navy and intelligence folks of activity in and above the ocean. I think too is coming out.

Outrageous_Board_5238 karma

What do you know about the Skinny Bob video?

UFOFox4320 karma

Unfortunately not a lot, however I've shown to witnesses from CE3 events and they felt it looked realistic. I personally can't say.

broadenandbuild8 karma

Is it possible to take samples of dirt from the Virginha crash site to analyze for unknown compounds? Similarly, dirt from where the three women saw the alien? I know it’s been a years, but traces of radioactive material can exist for a long time.

UFOFox4314 karma

This is something we definitely need to follow up with.

Libby45677 karma

Just one question: do you have information or evidence that you could NOT put in your new film, and if so, why? Have you ever been threatened?

UFOFox4318 karma

Some additional testimony and alleged encounters...didn't hav the room. The only time I was threatened was to be shot was with Erick Lopes (and that's all on-camera).

StarSure94066 karma

Hey James, I've heard stories of firefighters passing away from the Varginha incident. Have you heard anything backing these claims?

UFOFox4321 karma

no; just the police officer

bobbyg2556 karma

Hello James, two questions 1. if and when disclosure definitively happens do you believe we will receive verbal confirmation from governments without physical or visual evidence or we will receive disclosure with physical and or visual evidence. 2. Realistically will this be a slow drawn out trickled out disclosure and what is your best guessed timeline for it all?

UFOFox4320 karma

1) We are becoming more and more aware of the physical evidence in possession of some unknown government agency; I can't see any incentive for said agency to reveal what they have. None the less, we will keep the pressure on.

20_thousand_leauges5 karma

Hi James,

Love your work. Thank you for establishing such a high bar of objectivity and quality to Ufology, and congratulations on the release of your new film! I personally think it would be incredible post-release of any Varginha footage if you were able to go back and confirm authenticity live with the key witnesses. Do you have plans to do a sequel to Moment of Contact in the event footage is released?

UFOFox4312 karma

As stated in the end-credits of the film, our search continues. I will never stop pursuing answers and/or physical evidence.

AsideProfessional3564 karma

; For when the videos and photos of the extraterrestrial being from Brazil, in The New York Times? Please.

UFOFox4313 karma

Not my call and I don't know that they are extraterrestrial

PodcastUFO4 karma

Do you have any idea what the person from the UAP task Force meant by their comment to you? Hard to wait until the 31st!! Can't wait to have you on my show the next day.

UFOFox435 karma


mfb20073 karma

Hi James - you have mentioned that you’ve seen alleged images/videos purported to be real ET’s/EBE’s.

What emotions did you feel when you saw them - scared, intrigued, excited, etc - and why do you think you they made you feel that way?

UFOFox4312 karma

never seen them

HugoAnicio3 karma

Hey, James! Do you know anything about Varginha footage being disclosed by the NYT? There’s lots of rumors going around this week of a big report that’s about to come out

UFOFox4311 karma

Not the NYT's, however quite possibly another organization. We shall see very soon.

tradinski2 karma

Do you believe brazilian military have a disclosure plan?

UFOFox439 karma


nfpooley1 karma

Have you ever looked into the Nephilim written about in the book of Enoch as well as the Torah? Do you believe there could be a connection or correlation between ET’s and these cross-species?

UFOFox437 karma

absolutely no idea

Alabussy-9 karma

Every objective expert on the topic of UAPs agrees that humanity has never been visited by extraterrestrial intelligences, and all of the peer-reviewed science surrounding related phenomena suggests that the likelihood of us ever being contacted by alien life is almost nonexistent. Moreover, every purported sighting can easily be attributed to either a misunderstanding or intentional misrepresentation.

How do you – an individual who makes their living by sensationalizing events which have more-mundane explanations – justify your efforts against your claim of attempting to offer "truth" to audiences?

UFOFox4310 karma

I have never drawn any conclusions, nor have I tried. I simply provide a platform for witnesses to describe what he/she saw and allow the audience to make up their own minds. Until 2020, with the release of the Phenomenon, I would have been making more Flipping hamburgers. It's unclear what you mean by, "Sensationalizing events". Can you provide an example?