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HugeGuyLL10 karma

Care to elaborate?

aidv-9 karma

Yes. What would you like to know specifically?

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aidv-4 karma

Good bot

maxenlee3 karma

You hiring?

aidv2 karma


zencanuck3 karma

I’ve heard we’re moving into a post genre age where having music on demand broadens people’s tastes and makes them less beholden to a single type of music? Do you think this is the case?

aidv1 karma

Absolutely, without a doubt.

Styles are being mixed and mashed like there's no tomorrow.

There's actually a genre that we internally call MemeHop.

MemeHop does not refer to HipHop per se, but it's more of a joke version of music, where people take a song and add popular audio effects in sync to the beat.

Anyone that uses TikTok has probably encountered such content at some point.

This has brought us to discuss the fundamentals of music, and more specifically defined the question "What makes good music, good music?"

Mixing different genres touches that specific subject too, and we'll see more of these type of phenomenons occur over time.

Mixed genres. MemeHop. Audiotory experiments.

We speculate that at some point when AI is mature enough (software and hardware stacks), AI will push the limits of what we as humans can accept as "good music".

CanBernieStillWin4 karma

I'll be honest, this comment reeks of bullshit.

I'm sure it will turn around when you get into NFTs...

aidv0 karma

Great. If it's obvious to us but not obvious to everybody else, then we've done a good job.

We strive to see what others don't see.

Cathy Woods recently responded in an interview about Teslas prediction not being easy with: "For us it was easy".

She a goat and we admire her approach.

BernardinaMatheson3 karma

Karaoke nights just got better. What has been the biggest challenge with creating the service?

aidv2 karma

Well, development in general, I guess.

Finding a balance between predicting what direction to move the company towards in terms of technology and balancing R&D with actual productive work.

Our company is 100% self funded, either by the founder or by our users.

It started out as an R&D project, followed by becoming a donation service, followed by "pay-to-play" service.

Finding the path of least resistance while creating MVP's and time to market turned out to be a big challenge.

This whole thing is one big freestyle, and with the creative freedom that we have, things are exciting!

TheIceKing4202 karma

I'm fascinated, as someone who frequents festivals I'm very curious about where you think things are headed. What are some general changes you expect to occur?

aidv-2 karma

Great question.

We do believe VR and AR will change how events are driven.

People love interactions, be it with the physical world, the virtual world or the abstract world.

VR for people at home; Attend a fully virtual festival, or attend a physical festival remotely.

AR for people at the physical location; I.e. Use your phone to interact with the even indirectly.

It all boils down to value of experience, and VR/AR is a great way for all parties involved to gain additional value from the events.

Although this isn't won't have much to do with AI per se, often times the different technologies find a way to overlap in order to complete the overall experience.

However, we do strongly believe that the event audio engineers will rely heavily on AI powered tools such as software (much like our technologies) and hardware which runs the software.

YvetteSpraggs2 karma

I've seen a few of these sites before and it seems like they all use the same technology. How is yours different?

aidv1 karma

Not much difference at the moment. We all seem to move at the same speed offering pretty much the same thing at the moment.
We've barely even scratched the surface.

DelmarCronin1 karma

You mention that the music industry is going to make a complete shift within 10 years, but how, or why?

aidv2 karma

Given the recent trends we've seen thanks to technology, it's inevitable that the music industry will see a shift.

Better content creation tools. Better educational information. Better distribution channels.

Because there's a demand from independent artists to get more control of their fate. People no longer want to rely on corporations in order to succeed.

xklove901 karma

I love the convenience of media streaming platforms like Spotify, but what I don’t love is how little the actual artists get. How will we change this in the future? How will we keep the convenience and low-cost of these streaming giants but make sure that the creators are the ones profiting?

aidv3 karma

Beautiful question. This is what tingles my neurons. (I'm not a bot, I promise)

We solve this issue by removing the power from the corporations and create better services for the content creators, while also decreasing the level of entry in terms of content creation. In other words: Create cheaper tools.

Convenience is not the hard part. Creating a service that doesn't rely on external investors is the hard part.

Most big companies such as Spotify start out by expecting losses year to year for many years in order to grow a customer base.

After a certain amount of time has passed, adoption is widespread, and they increase profits while decreasing expenses, which also means lowering payouts to artists.

Solving this is challenging. Can it be done? Yes. Are we investigating? Absolutely.

QianaDelgadillo1 karma

What do you think it will be like being an artist in the future? Or will there even be any physical artists at all for that matter?

aidv1 karma

Haha. Don't worry, there will be physical artists. But there will be more so virtual artists. Probably multiple virtual artists owned by a single physical artist. Kind of like alter egos.

righttoplay0 karma

What’s happening in the NFT space?

aidv2 karma


Future artists will not rely on labels anymore. Power to the artist, and power to the fanbase.

righttoplay1 karma

How does it differ from self publishing on YouTube or other media sites?

aidv2 karma

Don't con fuse self distribution with ownership.

NFT's are mainly used a proof-of-ownership.

See NFT's kind of like hockey cards, and distribution services like marketplaces.

QianaDelgadillo0 karma

Do you think there will be a Tesla of the music industry?

lovegiblet1 karma

Besides Tesla, you mean?

aidv1 karma

Tesla Music, soon? Dj Elon - To Mars

aidv1 karma

We discussed this the other day.

Currently there's "The Big Three", which refers to Sony Music, Warner Music and Universal Music.

We do believe that there will be a "The Big One" that operates like a tech company but servers the music industry at scale.

This company will base its fundamentals in technologies such as AI.

trypophiliac69691 karma

Also Spotify, your actual biggest competitor.

aidv1 karma

Spotify is not a major label. Spotify is a music streaming service, with a newfound love for podcasts.

We are neither a label or a streaming service.

We focus on technology.

ManuelKertis0 karma

What' is "the starving artist"? And what can be done to eliminate it?

aidv2 karma

The Starving Artist refers to the fact that artists more than often invest themselves into their art to the point where they forget that they also need to make money from their art in order to survive.

This reference is closely linked to the way the music industry has been operating, with shady contracts and too much power in the hands of the labels, and too little knowledge in the minds of the artists.

We want to change that, over time.

We believe that in the future most artists will be well informed and well educated thanks to new tech and new platforms, which will lead to an increase of independent artists who become successful.

5hvggy-1 karma

I’ve read about how NFTs can potentially be a valuable resource for artists distributing music as well as potentially fundamentally changing the structure of how tickets for live events may be distributed and resold. What other kinds of impacts may NFTs possibly have on the music industry?

aidv-1 karma

That's pretty much it. There's only so much that can be done with proof-of-ownership.

The next big thing would be global adoption by vendors to implement NFT's into their systems.