EDIT: Thank you for the awards in lieu of future awards I would love if you would consider a donation to The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation's Quest to Conquer Cancer: https://questtoconquercancer.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=1376

You can catch my charity block on December 9th 12pm - 4pm EST during the Quest finale event as I fundraise alongside the passionate members of this community.

I'm here to talk to you about how I use sound to take down my opponents and to raise awareness and money towards The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.

I lost my eyesight to cancer at only age six and as a young gamer, was afraid I'd never play video games again. Today, I am a world-renowned gamer beating some of the world's best players at Street Fighter, using the sounds of the characters and my instincts to take down my opponents. I've learned to use my handicap into an advantage.

I am working with The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation on their Quest to Conquer Cancer campaign to raise awareness and funds that accelerate cancer research, education and clinical care benefiting patients. The campaign unites video game streamers, spectators and supporters all over the world to fundraise for cancer research through live gaming broadcasts.

I look forward to answering your questions!

PROOF: https://twitter.com/SvenvandeWege/status/1331896178544435202

MY FULL STORY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKi0Z9xzrE4&t=1s

EDIT: AMA CLOSED Thank you so much for your questions this was a lot of fun, you can follow me on Twitter @SvenvandeWege and on Twitch @blindwarriorsven. Again, would love if you would consider donating to my fundraiser page.

Comments: 395 • Responses: 1  • Date: 

begintime4 karma

Am I the only one who noticed he hasn't replied to anything?

jmdm633 karma

The Answers are from BlindWarriorSven - this account assisted with the planning and scheduling of the AMA. The AMA ended 5 hours ago. Sorry! If you choose “Best Comments” you’ll see his answers.