Hi, I’m Kyle MacLachlan. I drink a lot of coffee and love Douglas fir trees. AskMeAnything
Hey everyone! Sorry I couldn't answer more questions. They were great and I really appreciate all your thoughts. Check me out on social and I'll do my best to keep you entertained. Bye for now! Kyle
I’ve worked a lot with David Lynch.My favorite role of all time is Special Agent Dale Cooper.I once found an ear in a field that got me into a lot of trouble.I’ve been Ruler of the Known Universe, ran a rock quarry, and played keyboards for a famous rock band.I like to cook while sipping …pursued by bear I recently worked with Tom Hardy on CAPONE and with Ethan Hawke on TESLA as THOMAS EDISON. I played FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT in an 8-part series for PBS called ATLANTIC CROSSING which will be out later this year.I make wine in Walla Walla, Washington. The brand is called …pursued by bear, which is a reference to a Shakespearean stage direction from the play, The Winter's Tale. I have five wines, …pursued by bear Cabernet, baby bear Syrah, blushing bear Rosé, bear cub red blend and Twin Bear Cabernet.You can find me on social here: - Instagram – Kyle_Maclachlan - Twitter - @Kyle_Maclachlan - Facebook – KyleMaclachlanOfficial - TikTok – @Kyle_MaclachlanProof: https://i.redd.it/q1crqppgjr551.jpg
Kyle__MacLachlan1753 karma
Much of Dale Cooper was in the script. I just breathed life into him!
JeppyBass1655 karma
What makes you and David Lynch laugh the most on set? P.S. You are the best! ☕️🥧
MuadDave1296 karma
Loved your performance in Dune (see username).
What was it like working with Dennis Hopper? He seemed a little too accurate in his portrayal of Frank Booth. Was he really acting, or was that just Dennis?
Kyle__MacLachlan1330 karma
Dennis was amazing to work with. I was basically just reacting to everything he did. Super nice guy, too. Now HE had some stories...
disbljp1295 karma
Without even seeing the script would you return for another season of Twin peaks?
ls988647 karma
Hello Mr MacLachlan. I know virtually nothing about filming so forgive me if my question strikes you as ridiculous / kooky. How did you film The Return Part 17 scene where Dale returns to 1989 & wants to take Laura back home? They digitally inserted him into the existing FWWM footage, I understand. But that part where the present-day Dale talks to & takes the 1989 Laura by the hand wasn’t the part of FWWM. When Laura wants to know who he was & says she’d seen him in her dreams - I meant that. So I’ve been baffled for a long time. I hope I was clear enough. Have a great day, I love following you on Twitter.
Kyle__MacLachlan839 karma
Careful editing! And we shot in a fairly dark location. I thought it was really effective.
TimecopVsPredator583 karma
Hi Kyle. Big fan. What was your favorite episode to make of Portlandia?
Kyle__MacLachlan853 karma
They were all fun and Fred and Carrie, along with our director Jon Krisel, made each show special. I think working alongside Michael Nesmith was pretty awesome. I was a huge fan of the Monkees when I was a kid...still am!
sevengazillion580 karma
Hello Kyle!! I was wondering if you were happy with the world’s reaction to season 3?
dick_shawn_fan459 karma
You did a magnificent job in Twin Peaks, I'd like to say.
But I want to ask, did you read Dune before you got the part?
Kyle__MacLachlan969 karma
Yes! Read it first when I was about 15, and once a year after that! I used to write quotes from the book on Mrs. Crago's blackboard(my junior high English teacher)
algaco445 karma
Hi Kyle! Fellow PNW-er wondering what your favorite brand/blend of coffee is? And if you have a moment, maybe your favorite beer too?
Kyle__MacLachlan1021 karma
Gotta go with my coffee blend, roasted at the Walla Walla Roastery in Walla Walla...melange. Good stuff! Evil Twin for brewski 🍻
heidismiles385 karma
Thanks for doing this! You are super fantastic, and I'm a huge fan!
Is David Lynch as hilarious as he seems from the show?
What's your favorite Twin Peaks moment?
Kyle__MacLachlan587 karma
David is very funny, very dry. Any moment I got to drink coffee!
HenryVIIIII360 karma
Hi Kyle. Thank you for doing the AMA and hello from Australia!
I wouldn't expect you to give away any Twin Peaks secrets but a couple questions - did you personally know where you were and what year it was at the end of Part 18 or was it kept from even you?
And do you know how big a role Harry played in the script before Michael Ontkean pulled out?
Thank you!
Kyle__MacLachlan535 karma
I did not know what year it was or where we were at the end of 18. All I knew was that when Laura screamed, the hair on the back of my neck stood up! I think Mike wasn't able to be in season 3 for health reasons, but not completely sure.
ChuckEye312 karma
In Dune a slightly modified Chapman Stick was used as Gurney's baliset.
I think I once heard that you ended up with the prop instrument after the film wrapped. Is that true?
yego13256 karma
Hi Mr. MacLachlan! I recently fell in love with Twin Peaks, and especially the amazing soundtrack! What's your favorite song from the original Twin Peaks?
Kyle__MacLachlan404 karma
Angelo Badalamenti's score is amazing and there are so any memorable songs! I love them all!
BonbonMacoute253 karma
In Twin Peaks the Return, did you play Dougie without contact lenses at all?Your eyes seemed genuinely unfocused. Did you really walk smack into that glass door?
Kyle__MacLachlan386 karma
Ah, the old glass door trick. I love physical comedy. Toughest scene was not flinching when I got hit in the head with a baseball.
metalanejack243 karma
Hello Kyle! What has been the most difficult role that David Lynch has given you in your career (so far)?
suspicious-innocence236 karma
Did you ever get to hop in on the Dune 2020 train and any words of advice to Sir Chalamet as the new Paul Atreides?
Mia-in-action202 karma
Aaa hi Kyle!! I tend to miss AMAs I’d like to participate in so I'm really happy to have caught this!
My question is, “what is your favorite story from your career to share with people?”.
Alternatively, my second question is “What's your favorite color?” (which is the one I have for every celebrity I happen to be able to ask).
I hope you’re well, your positivity and talent have always been inspiring to me as both a fan of you and your work and as someone hoping to enter the film industry someday.
Cheers! I love you :)
Kyle__MacLachlan413 karma
Favorite story: meeting David Lynch for the first time was pretty fantastic. We talked about growing up in the Pacific NW, red wine and a shared love of coffee. Color: Seahawks Colors 🏈 Thanks for your kind words!
themanwhocametostay199 karma
How difficult was it making the transition between the multitude of characters in season 3 of TP?
Kyle__MacLachlan343 karma
Most of the time, we shot on different days. A few times I made the jump to Mr. C speed after Dougie...challenging, for sure. Putting on that leather jacket helped!
bonita__applebum169 karma
Hi Kyle, thank you so much for doing this! While you've pretty much rocked each of your characters (pun intended for Clifford Vandercave), for me, your portrayal of Dale Cooper is truly the most significant performance in TV history. Can you recall which was the most memorable scene to shoot while making Twin Peaks?
Kyle__MacLachlan311 karma
Well, the death of Leland was pretty intense. And throwing rocks at bottles, I mean, who doesn't like doing that?!
Kyle__MacLachlan225 karma
Yes! One of the costumes (Instagram, a few weeks ago) and I believe I have a wrist watch and pinky ring somewhere. Every day I went to set, there were more cool stone-age props to play with.
vvhiskerpatrol102 karma
Kyle, I need a damn fine book recommendation! What do you suggest?? (Besides Dune of course:-))
Kyle__MacLachlan251 karma
I'm reading Hound of the Baskervilles with my son, at the moment. I get to be all the characters. My English accent is awful!
juche100 karma
Wow...nice to see you here. I love TP, of course. I also loved "The Hidden"?
I wonder if you can outline the similarities and differences between Coop and your character in that film. They are both FBI, and they look a lot the same, but they're not really the same guy?
Kyle__MacLachlan130 karma
I think there are shades of Coop in Lloyd. I was inspired by Buster Keaton for the Hidden. Fun movie!
hedgehogsinhats82 karma
Hello, I'd like to ask what you think about wait you found an ear in a field? What's that about?
lauren_broccoli81 karma
hi kyle ! i was wondering, what was it like doing The Trigger Effect film? I never hear that getting talked about, but its a great movie and you were fantastic in it ! Thanks, lauren :))
Kyle__MacLachlan115 karma
Hi Lauren! Thank you. I like it, too and it seems pertinent today! That was David Koepp's first feature. He has a new film streaming now called, You Should Have Left, that looks very scary!
vicksvapor7780 karma
Hi Kyle! I'm curious, was there a bigger moment between Cooper and Sheriff Truman in the original season 3 script before Harry became Frank? Outside of the Mr. C and Frank confrontation, of course. I imagine Coop and Harry would've had a bigger moment at some point?! I hope we can see them reunite some day. ;)
Kyle__MacLachlan133 karma
I loved working with Michael on the original and miss him, but I also really enjoyed Robert Forster. He did a great job.
MuadDave75 karma
Do you still encourage people to bite your butt?
If it's not Scottish, is it still CRAP?
Clemniakk68 karma
First, i have to say that I am a huge fan (I love Twin peaks and Blue Velvet), thank you so much, you are fantastic!
Your French voice, Patrick Poivey, recently passed away (RIP). He did such a good job for example on Twin peaks the return. Have you watch any movies/series that you did in another language just to hear the dubbing?
Kyle__MacLachlan116 karma
I'm sorry to hear about Patrick. I did see Dune in Italian and I must say, I sounded pretty good.
lordfrackle67 karma
What would be your favorite non twin peaks roll? And what was it like working with Frank Silva on set?
Kyle__MacLachlan161 karma
It was pretty fun being the Kwisatz Haderach... Frank was one of the sweetest people you could know ❤️
Soupercoolsoup60 karma
I just started watching the return and I'm already on episode 8, what was it like filming it? What was your favorite scene? Do you have any stories from filming your Law and Order episode?
Kyle__MacLachlan132 karma
I went to work everyday with a huge smile on my face. Playing my favorite characters with my favorite director.
Many many favorite scenes. Working with Naomi Watts was hilarious.
themajesticbaby59 karma
how was it working with carrie brownstein and fred armisen on portlandia? also, since you played bass in one scene/skit, i always wondered, do you play bass in real life? big fan here by the way!
Kyle__MacLachlan78 karma
I loved every minute. I play a little guitar and my brother, Craig, is the bass player in the family. I just channeled him 🎸
LukeStro54 karma
Hi! I just watched Blue Velvet and am in the middle of season 2 of Twin Peaks, which you do a great job in both. So, what's your favorite memory from Blue Velvet, and are you currently watching David's weather reports? Thanks!
Kyle__MacLachlan118 karma
I get all my weather from David. I remember setting in my trailer playing cards with Dennis Hopper, Dean Stockwell and Brad Dourif. We were doing a lot of nights and I was the only one with a coffee machine. I was very popular.
Mesprit10149 karma
Howdy Kyle! Growing fan of you and Lynch here, literally just finished watching Fire Walk With Me not ten minutes ago (incredible movie). Are you personally a Heineken kind of guy, or was that just Jeffrey?
lookinginthemirrors48 karma
How many donuts did you eat in the first season?
What is the closest explanation you find to the entire Twin Peaks story?
JonnyEddd44 karma
Hi Kyle, thank you for doing this and mostly for being you!
I really loved the watch party of the pilot a couple of months ago. You mentioned the possibility of doing another episode at some point. Any plans to do so?
Kyle__MacLachlan85 karma
I had such a good time doing that watch party with Mädchen. I'll see if I can put something together again...Thanks for the suggestion!
Waffle200644 karma
What qualities/mannerisms of Agent Cooper did you bring in/improvise yourself, as opposed to those that were written for him? (like, his penchant for thumbs-ups, the little nose pinch he does to Sheriff Truman, things like that)
AdmiralAkbar139 karma
Every character you played gets in a massive street brawl with one another. Who do you think will win?
Kyle__MacLachlan114 karma
I'd put my money on Mr. C but he'd have a tough time with Calvin Zabo.
TRLegosfan38 karma
Hi Kyle! I’m a huge fan of your work! Was it a surprise to you when you we’re asked to reprise your role as Agent Cooper for Twin Peaks The Return? How did you feel about returning to the role after 25 years?
Kyle__MacLachlan65 karma
Thanks! It was an unexpected surprise that we were able to return to Twin Peaks. I was really excited and nervous to return as Coop.
lurk3rthrowaway34 karma
Hi Kyle- how many props or keepsakes do you still have from past roles, and which is your favorite?
((You're one of my favorite actors Twin Peaks is amazing and you should've gotten an Emmy for The Return especially love you))
10cd23 karma
any chance we can get a Twin Peaks story on set that you don’t remember recalling recently?
Danyulz21 karma
How did season 3 of Twin Peaks come around?
Did David call you and say "Hey, we need you! We're making season 3!"
Also, given how long it took for season 3, do you see a season 4 materializing?
Thanks! :)
Kyle__MacLachlan63 karma
David met with me in person. He was very careful about word getting out. We kept it a secret for a long time.
realmuterol18 karma
Kyle it’s an honor to have you with us and you’ve been a hero of mine since I first saw Blue Velvet in High School!
I have a couple questions:
What do you feel was your favorite scene you were a part of during the filming of Twin Peaks?
Who is someone you loved working with and would love to again in the future?
How different is your routine now that quarantine in upon us?
Sending much love, Kyle! Have a great day!
Kyle__MacLachlan55 karma
Fave scene? Anytime I got to eat a doughnut. Working with? Miguel Ferrer, I miss him. Routine? I'm pretty much a homebody but I'm careful when I go out.
Daomadan18 karma
What is your favorite part of wine making?
Which of your wines would you recommend I (or anyone) buy first?
Kyle__MacLachlan39 karma
The blending, I think...although the drinking is pretty good, too. I have a new wine called Bear Cub that you could start with 🍇
BonbonMacoute16 karma
I love all your modeling work over the years, especially when you're allowed to improvise. You make the clothes look fantastic, even when you wear them in silly ways, or create a character with them. Are you planning to do more fashion work in the future?
scottgold12314 karma
To what do you attribute the piano interlude ‘Heartbreaking’ in TP 3.11? It got a distinct reaction from Dougie. Is it a love interlude, communicated by airwaves, remembering the victims of Hiroshima/ Consumable TV Violence? Is it a signal that Dougie is helping Mitchums/ Lady become better people? Or maybe it’s the only original track by Angela Baddalamenti in S3, so Dougie recognises it?
Ferrari288GTO13 karma
Thank you so much for doing this AMA. Do you have a favorite coffee shop in NYC?
Kyle__MacLachlan33 karma
I used to pop into Stumptown on 29th after dropping my son off at pre-school years ago. That's a strong cup a Joe!
conorsullivan12413 karma
David Lynch is one of my filmmaking hero's, is he as mysterious and ambiguous in person as he is with his filmmaking?
acisev1 karma
Hi Kyle! I'd like to hear your coffee recommendations and also I'd like to know your favorite kind of wine! What would you sip while re-watching Twin Peaks?
Kyle__MacLachlan2 karma
Coffee from the Walla Walla Roastery for sure. I'd have to sip some of my wine, ...pursued by bear, while watching Twin Peaks! 😁
alkonium1 karma
Do you have any thoughts on Alec Newman and Timothee Clalamet, your two successors in the role of Paul Atreides?
inspirationalpizza1 karma
What, in your opinion, is the most damn fine coffee out there today?
AreYouMeIAmYou1986 karma
One of my favorite things about your portrayal of Dale Cooper is that Coop seems to have a constant sense of wonder. He seems to approach every situation as if it's the first and last time he will experience it. Smell those trees! Was this a conscious decision on your side as an actor?
And thank you for inspiring me to give myself a little present every day. Damn good advice.-
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