Hi Reddit! I’m voice actor Kari Wahlgren and I do voices for anime, video games, and other cartoons. Some of my anime credits include: Haruko (FLCL) Saber (Fate/Stay, Fate/Zero) Celty (Durarara!!) Fuu (Samarai Champloo) My video game credits include: Ashe (Final Fantasy XII) Jedi female (Star Wars: The Old Republic) Proctor Ingram (Fallout 4)

Some other cartoons: Jessica (Rick and Morty) Shandra Jimenez (Gravity Falls) Chloe (Fairly Odd Parents) Anka (Archer) Many more of my credits can be seen here on my IMDb page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1312566/

Here’s my proof: https://twitter.com/KariWahlgren/status/771782605293355008

This is my first AMA and I’m really excited to be here, so Reddit, Ask Me Anything!!

Edit: Thank you guys so, so much! I had a great time and am blown away by the awesome questions! You can always ask me questions and hear more updates in the future by following me on Twitter @KariWahlgren and Instagram @kari_wahlgren and Facebook @KariWahlgrenOfficial. Have a great Saturday, guys!!

Comments: 248 • Responses: 53  • Date: 

Astuur143 karma

Hi Kari!

Huge fan of Rick and Morty!

2 questions: Were you all expecting Rick and Morty to be so popular and what are your thoughts on biscuits and gravy w/eggs?

KariWahlgren141 karma

No, didn't expect it to be such a huge hit....but I'm glad it is! It's one of the few shows I watch as a fan as well as a cast member...

I am a lover of biscuits. And gravy. And eggs. I'm on the hunt for the perfect biscuits and gravy in L.A. as we speak...

Shipp0108 karma

Hello! I'm an avid watcher of a lot of the shows you are in! My favorite thing you have been in is Samurai Champloo. What is your experience on set while dubbing Fuu?

KariWahlgren155 karma

I LOVE FUU. I loved that show. I loved the soundtrack, the art, the characters.... I joke that Fat Fuu is my spirit guide. But it's true. I pretty much talk like that after a big meal.

Nugatorysurplusage94 karma

huge fan of your work.

one question: Are the writers/creators of Rick and Morty as nihilistic as i assume they'd be?

KariWahlgren142 karma

They're awesome. Dry, sarcastic, and wicked-smart.

Fredvdp75 karma

Hi, Kari!

I heard Star Wars: The Old Republic was the biggest voice-over project ever. Did it feel that way when you recorded it? How much work was it compared to your other VO projects?

KariWahlgren137 karma

We STILL record for that game! It's been ongoing for, what.....seven years?? It's always like picking up a novel you haven't read for awhile and reading the next chapter...

Gokario66 karma

Hi Kari!

I'm a huge FLCL fan, and it's probably one of my favorite anime.

Do you know if you'll be reprising the role of Haruko in the upcoming season next year?

KariWahlgren97 karma

I don't know if I'll be reprising the role of Haruko at this point, but I really, really, really hope they ask me. I would sell a kidney to do that role again.

LittleWhiteDragon62 karma

What's your favorite anime series?

KariWahlgren176 karma

FLCL. I'm biased. :-)

Sonickick12042 karma

Hey Kari! Basically been growing up with your work as a kid. I've always been wondering why Capcom didn't hire you back as the voice of Lady in Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition? Felt kinda awkward with the new actor rerecording your lines.

KariWahlgren66 karma

Aww, thanks. Sometimes games switch companies or union status when they do sequels...and they don't go with the same cast. Really bummed that I didn't get to do Lady again...

LittleWhiteDragon35 karma

Have your ever gotten recognized at a non-convention event?

KariWahlgren65 karma

A couple of times. I'm always shocked. I expect that they think I'm someone else....but it's REALLY flattering!

gdan9526 karma

Please let me know if this is a weird question.

One of your roles was Charmcaster in the Ben 10 franchise, and I was a big fan of the first three shows.

In the Ultimate Alien episode, “Couples Retreat,” it’s heavily implied that Charmcaster and Darkstar, another villain on the show, had spent the night together.

Kind of an odd thing to put in a show targeted to young children, I thought.

What were your feelings about it?

KariWahlgren47 karma

I think they were skewing towards a slightly older audience for that version of the show, so maybe there was a little more leeway... I definitely noticed the implication. raised eyebrow

LittleWhiteDragon21 karma

Do you play games or watch the shows that you are in?

KariWahlgren56 karma

Sometimes....it's really hard to just sit back and watch as a fan anymore. I get very analytical about my performance and recognize my friends voices.....I watch a few things but not many.

MattTheGoodSir19 karma

Have you ever thought about being a guest on an anime podcast? I know that IGN's Anime Club podcast would love to you 👍

KariWahlgren25 karma

I've done some podcasts and am trying to do more. Scheduling is tricky... Rob Paulsen has a fun Talkin' Toons podcast that I've appeared on a couple of times... Yeah, I'd do more...

LittleWhiteDragon19 karma

Are you single? 😉

If so, what would a guy have to do to win your heart?

KariWahlgren60 karma

HA! Yes, I'm single. I'm attracted to men who have a job.

Floain18 karma

Hey! Before I bombard you with a wall of text, thanks for taking the time to do this AMA! I have two questions (peppered with some rambling) for you.

First of all, I'd love to touch on Kirsten Geary from The Secret World. A few good friends of mine have convinced me to pick up the game this weekend with a week or two of gushing about the game's merits. One of the main attractions for me when they showed me videos was Kirsten's cynical, seen it all brand of wordly wise. Combined with her scathing sarcasm and pop culture references, she makes for a great character, and your flawless delivery has a lot to do with that- hell, I kind of decided to join the faction she represents to see more of her. What was it like to take on such a magnetic character, and can you tell us if you have any future recording sessions coming up for the game?

My second question regards one of your upcoming roles, Aranea Highwind in Final Fantasy XV. We got an idea of the game from some of the English VAs, who also talked about their roles and the nuances of the characters they're voicing. Can you give us some insight into Aranea and the game as a whole? You're also one of the first voice actors to voice major roles in different Final Fantasy games, so could you tell us how you approached Aranea differently to Ashe, if at all?

KariWahlgren28 karma

Really cool questions! Kirsten Geary is probably one of my favorite roles I've played...I'd love to play an on-camera version of her. (I've never said that out loud...) She's just so well-written. The scripts for that one blew me away...no news of more recording for her, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I keep trying to find out from the game company what I'm allowed to say about Aranea, but I'm under some nut-crushing NDA's right now....I'll post more about her when I can. I can say that she's VERY different from Ashe and Shelke, so it wasn't hard to get into a different character mindset...

ImagineHeart16 karma

Hi, I'm a huge fan. You did a great job as Raine from Tales of Symphonia - which I played through recently - and a lot of other roles: Ashe, Saber, Tayuya, Charmcaster. Your voice is instantly recognizable, and always high quality.

My question to you involves your presence in anime, video games and animation. How did you do it? Most voice actors I'm aware of aren't involved in all three: maybe a combination of the two, but almost never all three.


KariWahlgren21 karma

Thanks, appreciate the compliment! I think I'm involved in all three, because I really made a conscious effort to get cast in all three. I started in anime, but I knew I also wanted to do games and original animation. The recording process is different, the casting people are different, the companies are different...etc etc. So I really reached out and worked towards getting into the different mediums specifically.

BryanAKADJ15 karma

Hey Kari! I was wondering how many takes it took you to do Tsuruyas laughing scene in Episode 0 of Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya? I absolutely adore your performance as her!

KariWahlgren19 karma

Thank you! I loved that episode!! I think we only did two takes of that scene, and I was honestly laughing so hard that we had to stop and do it again.... :-)

LittleWhiteDragon14 karma

What are you non-voice acting interests?

KariWahlgren46 karma

Books. I read all the time. I love live music...I really love volunteering...art galleries and exhibits....traveling. My dream is to travel a lot more.

LittleWhiteDragon13 karma

What are some of your favorite books, movies, and TV shows?

KariWahlgren20 karma

TV shows: Sons of Anarchy, Hannibal, Penny Dreadful, Game of Thrones, FACE OFF Movies: Gone With the Wind, When Harry Met Sally, Casino Royale Books: sitting here thinking about that one....that's a hard one...

KariWahlgren20 karma

Okay, books. Just a few of my favorites: the Harry Potter books, Portrait of a Lady, Atlas Shrugged, The Way of Transition, Gone With the Wind, War and Peace, Phantom, and the Flowers in the Attic series. (guilty pleasure!)

jonseitz11412 karma

Hello Kari, I absolutely love hearing you in any cartoon you're in. Has there ever been a character or cartoon that you haven’t been apart of and/or voiced in that you ever wanted to be in?

KariWahlgren25 karma

Still haven't done The Simpsons. That's on the bucket list. I really want to do something on DC Super Hero Girls eventually. It would be cool to play Sue Storm again and actually have a meatier script to dive into...I was a big Fantastic Four comics fan when I was younger.

BruceWillisHasNoHair11 karma

Hi Kari! Great to have you on Reddit!

2 Questions:

What is your preferred medium to do voice acting in (anime, video games, cartoons) and why?

Which of the characters that you've voiced in your career would you most want to spend an entire day with, and what do you think the two of you would do?

KariWahlgren33 karma

If I had to pick one, cartoons. It has the most flexibility and room for play and creative input.

Which of MY characters? 'Cause I'd spend a day with Jin from Samurai Champloo in a heartbeat. Hopefully we would make out...

Fredvdp8 karma

What is usually your response when people call you "Carrie"?

Edit: typo

KariWahlgren31 karma

My sphincter clenches. I HATE IT. It's Kari...like "Ferrari." Please tell your friends.

phuul8 karma

Hi Kari!

I really enjoyed Durarara and Fate/Stay Night! How long does it take to dub an anime episode like these?

KariWahlgren18 karma

Thanks! Depends on how many lines I have...We may record multiple episodes in one session if there aren't a ton of lines in each show...or if there's a lot of lines, we may record one episode over the course of a few days...

dustindemon7 karma

Hi, Kari! HUGE fan for a long time. Always told myself if I ever got a series off the ground, you'd be my FIRST choice for voicing the main character.

I'm horrible at coming up with questions to ask, but here's a couple that come to mind.

  1. Did you ever expect Haruko to be one of your biggest, most memorable performances?

  2. Favorite snack food?

  3. Congratulations! You just won $4 Billion! What do you do with the money?

KariWahlgren13 karma

1.) NEVER expected it. I remember them saying "The fans are going to love you!" and I said "...We have FANS?" I had no clue what was going to happen. 2.) Doritos are my kryptonite. 3.) Donate it. Charity is my jam.

huge_ox7 karma

Hi kari.

How did you get into voice acting?

Were there any roles you turned down which became pretty big?

Any roles you regret?

KariWahlgren19 karma

I always wanted to do voiceovers. I got an agent for VO when I moved to Los Angeles and started auditioning like crazy. There are a couple of roles I HATED. Won't say which ones, but I just left the studio feeling dumber and needing a shower... But I met some amazing friends working on those projects, so I still wouldn't trade it for anything.

MrMasherMk26 karma

Heya Kari! I'm a huge fan of Fate and you did a fantastic job voicing Saber in both Zero and UBW! What was it like working on such an iconic character and are you looking forward to voicing her in future works in the series? :D

KariWahlgren7 karma

Thanks so much! I was really excited to get to play Saber in two series. I love the strength and nobility of her character and really enjoyed playing her. I'd reprise that role in a heartbeat if they asked.

I-Swear-she-Was-186 karma

Which character that you've played can you relate to the most? (I apologize for terrible wording)

KariWahlgren12 karma

Chloe on "The Fairly Oddparents". There are so many similarities to me as a child, it's frightening...

Unknownsage6 karma

Hey Kari! Been a big fan of yours ever since playing Tales of Symphonia!

My question, what are some franchises you wanted to have a role in (anime, video games, ect) but couldn't due to them being non-Union?

KariWahlgren11 karma

Can't think of any new franchises....but there have been a few times, including Tales of Symphonia, where I really wanted to reprise my role, but they went non-union and I couldn't. Always a heartbreaker. :-(

vedder446 karma

what 5 things would u try to experience if u could be the opposite gender for a day?

KariWahlgren17 karma

Hmmm....I think most of my answers here are NSFW...

Pascalme97 karma

Conversely, what advantages (physically) do you see being a girl instead of a guy?

KariWahlgren17 karma

Actually, I think most of the advantages would be non-physical. I'd probably be taken more seriously and paid more. But I'd be able to pee standing up, so that's a plus.

LittleWhiteDragon6 karma

What types of shenanigans have you gotten into in the studios?

KariWahlgren22 karma

Word of advice: be nice to the engineers. They record EVERYTHING. They've recorded me doing the most embarrassing stuff.... shudder

TheGreenPixel6 karma

You can't just leave us hanging like that!

KariWahlgren27 karma

I can...and I shall......evil laugh

J_Eldridge5 karma

Hey Kari! thanks for the follow on twitter a few days back very unexpected and really made my day

So heres my question.

If all of the characters you played would go into a death match who do you thin would come out on top?

KariWahlgren8 karma

Oooooo...I love this. You know, Enchantress from Avengers might take it all. She would fight REALLY dirty.

Enderbornkid5 karma

Hey Kari! I absolutely loved the dubbed Samurai Champloo, and your work as Fuu.

Is there any anime dub that you'd love to lend a voice too? And any specific character?

KariWahlgren11 karma

Thank you! No specific characters that I can think of at the moment...it would be cool to do something on DragonballZ, but I don't think they do that in L.A.

LittleWhiteDragon5 karma

Do you speak any foreign languages?

KariWahlgren14 karma

I speak Spanish badly. Very, very badly.

raajr1875 karma

Hello Kari! I worked in radio for 12 years and tried getting into voiceover work, unsuccessfully. How did you break into the industry. What was the moment that you knew you would be able to do it for a living?

KariWahlgren11 karma

I have friends that have transitioned from radio to other VO...if you haven't tried taking some animation or improv classes, I highly recommend it! Just to free yourself from the radio format and tap into other voiceover "muscles." I came from a theater background, started auditioning for on-camera and voiceover work, and the VO side just started taking off. I think when I bought my first townhouse I finally thought "Maybe I can make a living here..."

Alchemister55 karma

Do you get to work with other actors often or do you do most of your takes solo?

KariWahlgren7 karma

Depends on the project. I always record anime alone. Video games are usually recorded solo...when we record original animation, most shows try to record the cast all together.

BasedScott24 karma

Hi Kari!

Big fan of your work as Ashe and Raine!

I was wondering, what is the most stressful part of being a voice actor and how do you deal with that stress?

KariWahlgren7 karma

Thank you! Starting a new show as a new character is the most exciting and stressful part of the job. Everyone is trying to "find" the show and the voice of the characters, and there are usually a lot of cooks in the kitchen: writers, producers, actors, etc. I just try to stay very open and flexible...bring my ideas to the table while still being willing to take feedback and change things on the spot.

Joet23864 karma

Kari, are you hoping to appear on Steven Universe?

KariWahlgren14 karma

Yes! Haven't yet, but I keep auditioning for it!

glaynefish4 karma

Can you recommend me for some voice work for anything your working on? I have always wanted to do voices for shows, but im just a lonely fry cook wasting away my days at five guys. :( How can i go about finding jobs like yours?

KariWahlgren13 karma

Dee Bradley Baker created an amazing website. Answers so much:


Erin Fitzgerald also wrote a great book about getting into the business. Both are wonderful resources for a lonely fry cook. ;-)

TheLightningPanda4 karma

What's been your favorite role you've ever done?

KariWahlgren16 karma

That's like asking me to pick my favorite child. Do you want to crush the souls of my other children? Do you?? ;-)

LittleWhiteDragon3 karma

What's your favorite art gallery / museum in Los Angeles?

KariWahlgren6 karma

Great question... I love LACMA. Dying to go to the new Broad museum, but it's been sold out forever.

riddlemore3 karma

Hi Kari!

Just one question: Has Arenanet asked you to do any more voiceover work for Caithe for Living World season 3? Your/her brief appearance in episode 1 was really great. Caithe is my favorite character in GW2.

KariWahlgren3 karma

Awww, thanks! I'm not sure of an update for you...keep checking my Twitter page @KariWahlgren and I'll post info when I have it!

MattTheGoodSir3 karma

Is there a country that you haven't been to that you'd love to visit for a convention?

KariWahlgren9 karma

So many!!!!! Japan. Never been there. Dying to go. I'd love to go to Italy...Scotland...France.... Going to Peru next year. Not for a convention...just to go.

garsy993 karma

who wins in a fight between Catwoman and the Joker and how? no weapons allowed

KariWahlgren15 karma

Joker would win. He would laugh at your "no weapons allowed" rule...

LittleWhiteDragon2 karma

What's your favorite city and country outside of the USA?

KariWahlgren10 karma

I loved New Zealand and Ireland...

harry50502 karma

if u had a character in a down and dirty mortal kombat-style fighting game, what fighting moves would you have?

KariWahlgren11 karma

I find a nice kick to the balls is usually effective?

Dr_Radar2 karma

Whats the second season of R&M got instore for us?

KariWahlgren18 karma

We're working on Season 3 right now....so if you want answers for Season 2, it's out there, my friend. It's out there.

Kannon-Biraki2 karma

Hi! There! Kari! My following question is I know you did the voice of Saber for Fate Stay Night, there's a game coming out call Fate/Extella Umbral Star would you have been interested to do Saber's English voice if the game had English dubs?

KariWahlgren6 karma


Joet23862 karma

Kari during this season of The Fairly Oddparents,will we find out more about Chole's Backstory?

KariWahlgren4 karma


mollydolly932 karma

If you had a shrink ray who would you shrink and what would you do with them?

KariWahlgren14 karma

I would shrink the Punch Brothers band. I'd put them and their wee little instruments on my dresser and make them sing to me in the mornings.

KariWahlgren7 karma

I'm obsessively thinking of an answer to this....

Joet23862 karma

Kari, have you ever heard of this Anime/Manga called Elfen Lied ?

KariWahlgren3 karma

No, I have not.

MikeyMet1 karma

Gravity Falls was amazing and you did stellar with Shandra. Do you think Miss Jimenez and Bodacious T ended up together?

KariWahlgren9 karma

They definitely have a one-night stand...but they regret it in the morning.