Our names are Devin and Anthony, we've been making short films for fun since we were kids.

In 2009 we released Cool Guy has a Chill Day. Thanks in part to reddit, we gained a lot of attention. It took us five years, but we have finally made a sequel, Cool Guy 2 : Enter the Funk

Check it out, and ask away! We'll be answering questions throughout the day.


Edit: Thanks for your support and having us, reddit! It was fun to answer your questions and exciting to see the response to the sequel. Now go have a chill day, it's what cool guy would've wanted.

Comments: 202 • Responses: 66  • Date: 

111111110000000048 karma

At which point during or after the production of the original Cool Guy did you realize that you were responsible for the creation of a timeless, genre-defining masterpiece?

LonelyBoyInd63 karma

Cool Guy was filmed in one day, mostly for our own amusement, so we definitely didn't know we had a hit until maybe 2 years after the video came out when it got a big bump from /r/trees... not sure what genre we are defining though, haha


Bojangle_your_wangle41 karma


LonelyBoyInd52 karma

The kids dig 'em


Everypony35 karma

can i have cool guy i will pay you like $80 for it

LonelyBoyInd38 karma

maybe when i'm completely broke...


Kerrminater35 karma

LonelyBoyInd23 karma

THIS! I love it!


JaXXup25 karma

Did you guys know that Cool Guy has Chill Day recently gained some attention within a certain part of the Soundcloud community?

You can find a compilation containing most of the sounds here.

LonelyBoyInd20 karma

Didn't know, I'm stoked!


Fukawa_Touko24 karma

When i was in 7th/8th grade and having a lot of personal issues, i had intense panic episodes late into the night and was in complete denial. i would stay up all night watching videos on youtube to keep myself awake because i was afraid of sleeping, cause i thought something bad would happen. one night i came across cool guy at 3 am and as soon as i watched it i realized i had a problem. and then i got better! so, thanks cool guys. you're cool.

LonelyBoyInd32 karma

Glad to hear it! Not sure I'd recommend Cool Guy for falling asleep though :P


thewillemdafoe20 karma

Today at lunch my friends and I were discussing the original cool guy has a chill day video and it slowly progressed throughout the day to be funnier and funnier. We had no idea that cool guy has a chill day 2 was on the table let alone dropping today. When we realized this it blew my mind...Pure coincidence that Im here right now.

My question is, can we see a cool guy 3 anytime soon?

LonelyBoyInd23 karma

Thanks for the support. And, we have a rough outline of how part 3 would go and what we want to see. I don't think we will get the opportunity to make it anytime in the near future due busy schedules. But, it would be great to complete a trilogy, if we get the chance sometime down the line.


djljub17 karma

Why did you suddenly stop making videos on Youtube and why did you decide to start again?

LonelyBoyInd29 karma

Our lives just got busier. We make videos whenever we can!


potionking16 karma

did you make the mr. funk mask specifically for the video or did you make the mask for other reasons and then decide you wanted to make another video?

LonelyBoyInd31 karma

Cool Guy was made for a class project, but Mr. Funk was made specifically for the sequel. It was hard to watch him go...


limondrop16 karma

No question, just wanted to say that your first cool guy video is pretty much my favorite piece of media on the internet...and the second one you just released is just as wonderful! much love and admiration from me.

LonelyBoyInd14 karma

Thanks for the love, glad we lived up to the original


tell_me_a_lie14 karma

how much pussy do you get now?

LonelyBoyInd70 karma

Well, I adopted a cat a while ago, so I got that going for me which is nice.


Myke2312 karma

What was the idea behind the mask used for Cool Guy? Was it a stroke of genius?

LonelyBoyInd21 karma

i think he was gonna be a fish... and yet ended up as Cool Guy


yeanobro10 karma

Why the hell did you kill Mr. Funk ?? :(

LonelyBoyInd38 karma

Well...that was technically Cool Guy. But, I agree it was a tragic outcome. At least Cool Guy lives to chill another day.


Gruntr9 karma

Can we expect to see more of Cool Guy?

LonelyBoyInd24 karma

who knows, he kinda just ran off


abbyuable9 karma

What class project was the original Cool Guy for?

LonelyBoyInd36 karma

High school 10th grade mixed media art class. It was just supposed to be a paper-mache model, but I actually presented the video for the class... instant graduation


simply_superb6 karma

I'm sorry but I kind of have to get this off my chest. It's half past 3 A.M. where I live, I couldn't sleep and was just sitting here watching YT videos, randomly happened to think of the Cool Guy video, went to watch that and found out that you had uploaded a sequel mere hours ago and were currently live on Reddit with an AMA. Is the Universe trying to tell me something?

LonelyBoyInd7 karma

Yeah man. Go have a chill day. Reward yourself


TheDevineBright6 karma

How did all those people feel when they saw a cool/ funky masked guy and a guy with a camera around them?

LonelyBoyInd7 karma

I can't imagine


ObviousMagikarp6 karma


Oh my god, seriously, you guys are the definition of my freshmen year of track and field. My senior friend at the time was wicked tall and wore hoodies, so I always called him Cool Guy and whatnot. Seriously some of my best moments during track all thanks to you! And ohmygosh, the music was probably the most iconic thing back then for me.

That being said, can I have your autograph? I'm your biggest fan!

LonelyBoyInd26 karma

ImNotModestCube5 karma


LonelyBoyInd6 karma

Haha, that one is new to me. Some of the best shot recreations I've seen, hilarious! I get a pretty penny from song downloads, so thanks!

It's always greatl to see fan tributes, we never saw it coming


LonelyBoyInd5 karma

I love the fan videos! It's kinda surreal to bring this awesome experience to people and have them share it with us. I honestly didn't expect any of this and it's great to see that we even have fans. Thank you for all the support and everything.


Prizyms5 karma

Will we get a download for the Mr. Funk theme?

LonelyBoyInd9 karma

v soon


EDIT: here you go!

0biwancanblowme4 karma

How do you feel about Cool guy? Is he cooler than Mr. Funk? Why does Cool Guy go to such lengths to kill Mr. Funk? Why was Mr. Funk in the woods?

So many unanswered questions :(

LonelyBoyInd3 karma

These questions are best left to ponder...


Peetness4 karma

Ha! I remember cool guy. Good times. Keep it up. Also, why is your proof sign dated tomorrow?

LonelyBoyInd19 karma

Either we're from the future... or I'm a fricken dumbass


decayingteeth3 karma

Can I ask you a question tomorrow? (Please don't answer this today)

LonelyBoyInd3 karma


SnowyDeluxe4 karma

Were you guys at Pax East 2013? I saw someone playing Rock Band 3 wearing a cool guy mask that looked exactly like the one in your videos

LonelyBoyInd11 karma

Nope, just another chill dude in the wild


CiggyButt4 karma

Did you create the song of cool guy or did you randomly find it?

LonelyBoyInd18 karma

I put together a bunch of royalty free samples... but it was somewhat random


Crash153 karma

What made you decide to make Cool Guy 2?

LonelyBoyInd13 karma

There was an overwhelming demand for a sequel and we really wanted the chance to work with Cool Guy again on a second video. He's just so photogenic.


LonelyBoyInd11 karma

For many years we didn't plan on a sequel, despite people asking for one nonstop. We didn't want a sequel that was just another version of the first. Then we thought up Mr. Funk and came up with a bit of a plot, and it just fell into place!


darkcohort2 karma

You don't seem to understand. We just want cool guy. Doing chill things. Doesn't matter what.

LonelyBoyInd3 karma

No. We get it. We just don't want to make that. Sorry.

PS. there's 12 videos of cool guy..(well technically 14 now).

Two_Whales3 karma

I know you said that you were making a how-to video, but would you mind writing a few sentences about how you made the form for the mr. funk mask? is it chicken wire?

LonelyBoyInd4 karma

I used armature wire stuck together with masking tape


HonkerTonks3 karma

Hey I just wanted to say it that cool guy is one of the best things to happen my life. Me and my friends revolve around cool guy. One day at school me and my friend were walking in the hallway at school and we saw this guy with the sweater and the head walk into a classroom at brake, we look at each other and laugh, I yell "It's Coolguy" (in the voice) and as we walked past the door he turned and was all like "eyy" with the finger pointing thing, we then got out of school early and caught the bus home. Best day ever.

Also wtf even is the original cool guy mask?

LonelyBoyInd1 karma

Haha good story, the mask is paper mache


PimpinPedo3 karma

Has your internet fame affected your social life?

LonelyBoyInd6 karma

Not really, but it's always great randomly running into someone who knows Cool Guy


mjustin883 karma

So Devin does Cool Guy, was Anthony the man behind the Funky mask? (Literally)

LonelyBoyInd7 karma

I did all the dancing because we have yet to make a character with no rhythm... and I'm willing to suffer through wearing the masks!


LonelyBoyInd1 karma

Devin does it all. I'm just the camera-guy. As Devin said, if we get a character with no-rhythm, i'll be the first one to throw down some moves.


blueglove923 karma

What is the mask of Cool Guy made of?

LonelyBoyInd5 karma

newspaper and glue. how-to video will be one of our next vids


HowManyHaveComeThru2 karma

What's the name of the last song on the latest video? Great work :)

LonelyBoyInd1 karma

you can find both songs here

_DonnieDarko_2 karma

I've enjoyed your other videos, especially Sleep Over. Are you guys planning on releasing content more regularly?

LonelyBoyInd4 karma

Thanks bud, we honestly wish we could make videos weekly, but we're still pretty busy, and that isn't changing too soon.


swik2 karma

In the first video, were kids at the playground actually scared of Cool Guy or did you just convince random kids to act for you?

LonelyBoyInd10 karma

For that scene, we literally just stumbled upon a playground and started walking around. The footage you see on film was done in the moment. We didn't ask the parents or say anything. It's pretty great that it worked out the way it did.


LonelyBoyInd9 karma

it was improvised, but they were chill


PoorCoyote2 karma

You made an amazing sequel to the masterpiece! Call yourself Steven Spielberg of YouTube! As a question: Did you create the music for cool guy or cool guy 2? If so you pulled off creating hellova a catchy tune

LonelyBoyInd9 karma

I made the original Cool Guy using samples, the new tune is me on guitar and bass plus a fantastic saxist by the name of Tony Ostinato!


CyaLaterBye1 karma

Can you tell me the chords to the Mr Funk song? It's a dope riff

LonelyBoyInd2 karma

starts with a dm7 and basically moves around with that same hand position

NalNalas2 karma

I honestly want to know, how did you come up with cool guy

LonelyBoyInd6 karma

I did not come with Cool Guy... Cool Guy came to me.

...but actually thinking about it, he probably came from when I was about 6 years old and I would stick a soccer ball in the hood of my fat rain jacket and dance around like kiddies do


Ragekritz2 karma

What was the criteria for the the school project that led to the creation of Cool guy?

LonelyBoyInd7 karma

just a paper mache model... it got a little out of hand


PinheadPete2 karma

The was genuinely one of the funniest videos i have seen recently. Great Job Guys!!

LonelyBoyInd3 karma

thanks !


mjustin882 karma

Have you deleted some of your videos sometime in the past year? It seems there are some missing.....

LonelyBoyInd5 karma

A few were removed from before we stopped using whatever songs we liked without permission -__-


desolationrow12 karma

who was the chick helping out with the double team cool guy rub down in the first vid? she's the only one not to make it to the sequel..

LonelyBoyInd2 karma

a good friend of ours, no reason she isn't in the sequel, just didn't happen


PhlyingPhallus2 karma

how did you guys make the costumes? And how did you see out of them?

LonelyBoyInd11 karma

No need to see, I simply channeled my inner Cool Guy and his eyes became my eyes.


ThatGuyX2 karma

Teach me sensei.. How can I be as cool as Cool Guy?

LonelyBoyInd11 karma



BasedPajamas1 karma

Are you guys from California?

LonelyBoyInd3 karma



monkeysky1 karma

If you had unlimited resources, what would Cool Guy 3 be like?

LonelyBoyInd6 karma

Cool guy solves all the worlds problems... then goes to the moon


monkeysky3 karma

But... but then what would Cool Guy 4 be about?

MyOwnGraniteStone3 karma

Getting to pluto to achieve the chillest day, maybe?

LonelyBoyInd3 karma

Past pluto and to the diner


MikeJones071 karma


LonelyBoyInd14 karma



christophertalken1 karma

I got to keep it simple why?

LonelyBoyInd5 karma


22duckys1 karma

How can I submit a photo of my Cool Guy to your instagram? I have it on my instagram, and would be happy to send it to you, but I'd rather not put an instagram link on reddit lol.

LonelyBoyInd2 karma

You can send through here on the personal messenger. Or if you're more comfortable, you can send it to my email (which I can give you on a personal message) or you can even go on Youtube and send it to us in a message there. Whichever floats your boat. Look forward to hearing from you!

lord_sevan1 karma

Is Cool Guy single?

LonelyBoyInd3 karma

Wish I knew, he's kinda private about that type of stuff. But, i'm sure that if he is, then it's purely by choice.


slayerofscum1 karma

Hey Devin. I'm friends with your cousin Gio. How much money do you make monthly off the cool guy soundtrack?

LonelyBoyInd4 karma

Hey, I make like a buck or two a day. It's something.. plus it's amazing how many people love the song!


OtherOtie1 karma

Where did you get the idea for such a bizarre character? What's your favorite part from either of the cool guy vids?

LonelyBoyInd3 karma

I enjoy the part where Mr. Funk's head explodes and confetti comes out. Also, the fountain stomp.


TheDrewscriver1 karma

Have you considered releasing the song you made?? Cause I could listen to that shit all day long, it is brilliant!!

LonelyBoyInd2 karma

Just did, here!

MultiScootaloo1 karma

First of all thanks for doing this AMA! I'm a huge fan of your work and was very excited for Cool Guy 2.

I've got some questions for you, as well as my thoughts on Cool guy 2 so let's go!

  • What was your reaction when you saw how hugely popular Cool Guy had become?
  • how do you feel about being recognized in public?
  • Why did you decide to make a Cool guy 2, and what ideas were "thrown at the table" for the sequal?

So that's my questions, now on to my thoughts on Cool guy 2;

Overall I thought it was great! However it did have it's flaws!

For me it felt like it needed more editing several places in the video, and some parts of the video i didn't even understand untill I rewatched it. I really liked the "Story" part of it, It was nice to see a competitor to "Cool Guy" as well as knowing him a bit more on a personal level, so that was great!

Thanks for reading! Rant over-

LonelyBoyInd5 karma

  • I didn't really believe it at first. I was so surprised that Cool Guy started getting attention after being on Youtube for 2 years.

  • For me, we only got recognized one time during filming and you can see it if you watch video 10. I mean, sometimes my friends or acquaintances would say "Cooool Gaaii" to me, but no one random.

  • Originally, we had the sequel running an additional 1-2minutes with Cool Guy going to various places celebrating his recent victory over the Funk. But, we got busy and wouldn't have been able to make the video the way we wanted to until another year or so. So, we have a lot of footage leftover in case theres possibility for a third.

Thanks for your input, btw. We totally understand where your coming from. It's meant to watched more than once.


LonelyBoyInd4 karma

  1. Thanks for the crit. We were definitely caught off guard by how popular Cool Guy became (randomly 2 years after posting), but it's been nothing but a positive experience.

  2. We don't get recognized too much in public, but it's mind blowing, and hilarious whenever we do.

  3. We just figured it was time for a sequel, after all this time people still wanted it. There are some other ideas we have, but who knows if it will make its way into future videos, so I'll keep quiet..


po0pdawg1 karma

Was their a real planning process for either video? Or did it just happen?

Also is the song chosen before or after editing the video?

LonelyBoyInd3 karma

For the first video, it was a spur of the moment type thing. We just thought of it one day and filmed.

The second video involved more thought and planning. Picking the locations for filming was a definite plan as we went all throughout Orange County. The moves were pretty much improved, except the Funk-BreakDown. The breakdown moves were created for fun when we were goofing off on vacations.

We had the song playing during our filming in order to make the process go smoother, but Devin said he couldn't hear anything. Also, the song was purely Devin's creation and I give him lots of props for making such groovy tunes.


LonelyBoyInd2 karma

Songs came before the videos... The original video was all improvised, the sequel is mostly the same, but obviously with some stuff worked out.


ironriots1 karma

Hey! I want you guys to know that Cool Guy is p much my favorite video on the whole internet, and I wanted to make a cool guy cosplay. I was wondering if you had any tips or could give us some detail shots of the mask?

LonelyBoyInd3 karma

Working on a how-to vid


Taztelezz1 karma

IT'S COOL GUY guys! Just want to say thank you for making this and the first one! Saw the first one soon after release, and this made my day/week/month! You decide

LonelyBoyInd2 karma

It made your year? But thanks, means a lot.


doodleyman-5 karma

what's with the black stereotype in the first video? the grape soda and watermelon.

LonelyBoyInd35 karma

cool guy is purple
