My short bio: , Actor, producer, mother, life partner, New Yorker, Dominicana-Americana, and more...

Come Ask Me Anything, I will answer random, crazy questions and if I feel like it I will even get personal with You. Past, Present & Future work, just ask!

My Proof:

EDIT: You can check out some of my current projects below

Devious Maids:

La Golda:

Comments: 172 • Responses: 42  • Date: 

Arithered26 karma

Kudos on making Aloma Wright cry on her own death bed! :-)

But seriously, you had this incredible power to generate more emotion than I've ever felt on a TV show. How the hell did you do that?

itisIjudyreyes25 karma

You saw that!!! Actually it was the last time Aloma and I were gonna work together and we could not stop crying!!!! Plus, it was the writing. I could not say those lines without falling apart.

useitdontloseit26 karma

who was your favorite cast mate on Scrubs? And your favorite part of your character/being on the show?

itisIjudyreyes16 karma

The cool thing about Castle is that I got to work with Julian Acosta, who is this amazing actor who is part of my theater company Labyrinth in NYC. But it was a lot of fun! and i got to be the bad guy in the end!!!

itisIjudyreyes25 karma

C'mon! I loved everyone I made out with! But seriously! I loved everyone I made out with. :) We all had a blast.

Duke_of_Earl_Grey21 karma

Are Turk and JD really that close in real life?

itisIjudyreyes42 karma


BrisbaneRoarFC15 karma

best moment on set in the scrubs tv show? thanks.

itisIjudyreyes59 karma

Reaallly too many to nail....I lllooooooved the musical episode. And I loved the Wizard of Oz Episode that Zach directed and I love the Episode where Carla was giving birth and The Episode where Brendan Frasier dies....I could go on and on because it was a gooood fucking show y'alll

Idontunderstandjob14 karma

Good actress, nice butt. More of these please.

itisIjudyreyes18 karma


SpencerTheGreat11 karma

When did you know you wanted to go into acting?

itisIjudyreyes13 karma

I was in my 20s when I pursued it. Did the whole fundraiser in church with mom thing and thats what convinced me that I had the goods to go for it full force: that's right People: singing Lisa Lisa convinced me that I should be and an actress!

Herdnerfer11 karma

Why weren't you on season 9 of Scrubs? Did you choose not to be or did they not offer?

itisIjudyreyes39 karma

Yes, they offered. But I was pregnant. And for what they needed from the original cast, it wasn't worth it for me during my pregnancy since the idea was "Scrubs: Med School." It was all good.

AnimeJo11 karma

Hi Judy! Wow it's so great to see Powerful Latinas in Media represent us so well. Can you tell us a little bit about what you're doing next after Devious Maids? Thanks!

itisIjudyreyes13 karma

I'm actually producing an animation called La Golda that I'm so psyched about that we've been developing for 4 years that I think is gonna make a real difference

cdanzig10 karma

What is La Golda?

itisIjudyreyes14 karma

Wow, you know your shit!! Its an animation about and 8 year old orphan soccer playing super star who ends up doing heroic acts all over the world for other kids with her team. She's Latina, she's a leader and she's coming to life real soon!

itisIjudyreyes10 karma

Oh and by the way, here's the link

Arithered10 karma

What type of character would you view as an enticing challenge to play?

itisIjudyreyes16 karma

Lady MacBeth.

Hans_Delbruk10 karma

Whats the best part about working with Neil Flynn? Also, "Hey Carla, nice vagina!"

itisIjudyreyes40 karma

Neil Flynn, is an improv genius. For those who dont know, he ws made a series regular because he was so awesome at making up his hilarious lines. And that was what his whole run was like on Scrubs was like. We looked at our scripts and saw "Neil makes up something funny here." And he always did. GENIUS. But a bit strange. As geniuses often are.

colvon10 karma


itisIjudyreyes26 karma

Awesome: John C. McGinley and Ken Jenkins (Dr. Kelso)

useitdontloseit9 karma

How was it working on Castle?

itisIjudyreyes10 karma

I was a total couch potato since a weee spud in the Bronx, but I didn't throw it all away to be an actor till way early 20s

Death_proofer8 karma

Do you feel a scrubs movie would be a great idea? Or would you rather not mess with perfection?

itisIjudyreyes11 karma

I think you always run the risk. But I love to take risks!

awfl8 karma

Just a thank you for your portrayal and part in the absolutely hysterical Scrubs. I do not watch much television, but you and your cohorts made it a must-watch for our family. It appears you have been busy since then. Is there work or part you are especially proud of, or maybe found to be personally interesting or satisfying? Regards.

itisIjudyreyes16 karma

You're welcome and yes. Right now I do a show called Devious Maids that challenges where I am now in my career and as a woman and I look forward to seeing if you respond as positively.

seffend7 karma

Was working on Scrubs as much fun as it seems? It's the only show that makes me giggle like a schoolgirl.

itisIjudyreyes11 karma

Yes It was. First big show I had. Felt like a dream.

XtremelyNiceRedditor7 karma

as a fellow platano, keep representing mujer bella!

itisIjudyreyes10 karma

Gracias, mi amor!!! Haciendo lo mejor que puedo.

deathstrike867 karma

massive scrubs fan, just like to say you are brilliant, keep up the good work!

itisIjudyreyes12 karma

Thank you! Will do my best.

jculp1437 karma

When was your "Wow, I made it as a successful actor" moment?

itisIjudyreyes23 karma

When I went to an award show with the whole Scrubs cast. Wierd.

Jonesoda6 karma

Favorite breakfast food?

itisIjudyreyes8 karma

Oatmeal. I know. Boring.

MrSm1lez6 karma

I know your being bombarded with questions about Scrubs, but how often do you still talk to your old castmembers? Also I see you have a kickstarter project, can you tell us more about it?

itisIjudyreyes11 karma

that's the project called LA Golda, an animated series that I'm working on launching independently with GEorge Valencia and Roselyn Sanchez. Inspired, no doubt by Zach Braff. the Kickstarter part. But its inspired by my kid, and it to empower and inspire and help girls and kids internationally with a unique story. Soccer playing super star end up being an ambassador for kids of the world through her passion for the sport and for other kids and their needs with the help of her team. She's latina, a leader and a visionary. A tough little shit, lol!!

Majobu6 karma

Are you still in contact with the other actors from Scrubs?

itisIjudyreyes17 karma

Just saw Donald and his wife and new baby while on a hike 3 days ago. Kid looks just like him!!! And we ran into Zach and his lady at a pub 3 months ago. It ain't no bromance but the love will ALWAYS be there!

mgonzo115 karma

What are some of your favorite memories from the set of Scrubs? I'm liking Devious Maids, by the way :)

itisIjudyreyes8 karma

Devious Maids is campy and fun and satire and so much more who I am now as a mother and older and representing 5 Latina women...particularly the climate that can't be ignored, with tongue firmly placed in cheek.

tottallytrustworthy5 karma

What makes you happy?

itisIjudyreyes11 karma

My kid, my man. My work.

BlackSwanX4 karma

Hi Judy! You must be getting tired of all of the Scrubs questions. I actually just went to your IMDB page and out of all of the things you have been in I have literally only ever watched Scrubs.

So... Scrubs.

I don't have any questions about Scrubs.

You ever had poutine?

itisIjudyreyes21 karma

No clue what the fuck that is.

vdk134 karma

How did you react when you first heard about the musical episode in Scrubs?

itisIjudyreyes12 karma

Another dream come true. True story: I fell in the shower and fractured my pelvis for that episode!!! I was devasted!!! But Bill Lawrence moved all my scenes around until I recovered so I wouldn't miss a thing. Another amazing thing about being on that show!

rajjiv4 karma

One of my favourite Scrubs episode is the musical one. What was it like rehearsing for that one?

itisIjudyreyes11 karma

I loved every minute of it!!!

itisIjudyreyes9 karma


SpencerTheGreat4 karma

What advice would you give to an aspiring actor?

itisIjudyreyes9 karma

I hate giving advice. I hate being asked for it. I understand some need it but I will say that the one thing every actor needs to hone is the trust of self. Its the hardest thing to do.

nobility4 karma


itisIjudyreyes11 karma

I love mangu for breakfast and tostones with some dinner!!!!. And I already have a baby daddy:)!

excalif3 karma


itisIjudyreyes6 karma

I really loved Carla but I was ok when Scrubs was over because I was ready to tackle something new for all the reasons you just went on and on and on about above. But the funny thing is that nobody else was ready to let her go because they love her so much. And I had to come to terms with what a huge, blessing that is. And re structure and re invent that for myself. But I've since moved on to a new character and its so exciting. And I'm beyond blessed. I have many missions!!!

alfienism3 karma

Where did you study acting? And how did you find your first agent? First Union gig?

itisIjudyreyes7 karma

NYC, LAbyrinth Theater Company, Hunter College......

dreamerkid0013 karma

Do you ever wish that Turk and J.D. had invited you to steak night? I mean, it is the world's best meat.

itisIjudyreyes6 karma

I think Carla wish they did.

dubsideofmoon3 karma

Are you a fan of Junot Diaz?

itisIjudyreyes10 karma

OMG!!!! I've read everything he's written!! I even met him once. To answer that. Yes. I have.

roastedbagel3 karma

Can you tell us about your scene with Laverne as she was in a coma? What did you do to prepare for such an emotional scene?

itisIjudyreyes7 karma

Two things took care of that for me: the fact that it was mine and Aloma's last scene together and the writing. Neither of us could stop weeping.

Ckmont3 karma

How did you begin your acting career? And how hard was it for you to get your break?

itisIjudyreyes8 karma

In church with my mom and my sisters. My first big break was an indie with Sam Rockwell called Jack and His Friends. Its out there some where...

tkmmarshall3 karma

Is Ken Jenkins anything like his character in Scrubs

itisIjudyreyes11 karma

Not really. Except that he's fucking hilarious. He's the sweetest man. One of my favorites.

suggestionsonly3 karma

Who would win in a fight, you or Rosie Perez?

itisIjudyreyes7 karma

Definitely Rosie.

suggestionsonly3 karma

Happy belated birthday!

itisIjudyreyes9 karma

Thank you!

AnimeJo0 karma

Can you tell us more about this project called LA GOLDA?

itisIjudyreyes5 karma

that's the project called LA Golda, an animated series that I'm working on launching independently with GEorge Valencia and Roselyn Sanchez. Inspired, no doubt by Zach Braff. the Kickstarter part. But its inspired by my kid, and it to empower and inspire and help girls and kids internationally with a unique story. Soccer playing super star end up being an ambassador for kids of the world through her passion for the sport and for other kids and their needs with the help of her team. She's latina, a leader and a visionary. A tough little shit, lol!!