Hello reddit. Robert Rodriguez here. I'm a director, my latest film is Machete Kills which stars Danny Trejo as Machete. I directed Sin City, Desperado, From Dusk Till Dawn, Once Upon A Time In Mexico and Spy Kids among other things.

Machete don't tweet, but Machete reddits.

(verified: https://twitter.com/MacheteKills/status/385531933892947968)

Ask us anything.

Comments: 1527 • Responses: 54  • Date: 

DannyTrejo_961 karma

Hey everybody, thank you all for taking the time to ask us some questions. We really really appreciate it. Hope you love the movie.

thatoneskullkid875 karma

Also, When can we expect to See "Machete Kills Again: IN SPACE!"?

DannyTrejo_1013 karma

AAAHH!! That is a question for Robert. But seeing all the fans like Machete Kills, that is how we did Machete, so we'll see what happens.

MsBornDrunk667 karma

First I have a question for Robert Rodriguez, I wanted to know where the concept for El Marachi came from?

As for Danny Trejo, I don' have a question. But I started watching movies like Mi VIda Loca and Blood In Blood Out when I was around 4, probably even younger. I'd always recognize you in other films as I was growing up like Con-Air, Desperado, Bubble Boy, etc. So when I first saw the the trailer to Machete and you were the lead character, I couldn't help but think FINALLY. And now again with a sequel. I was proud of you for your starring role. I hope that's not too weird. I was just very happy for you.

Thank ya'll both for taking time out of your day to this AMA. Means a lot to fans like me.

DannyTrejo_856 karma


immorta1273 karma

Can one of the mods give Danny some flair so he stands out. This is the real Danny Trejo right?

DannyTrejo_1009 karma

There ain't too many of me.

DannyTrejo_1339 karma

Somebody asked my son once "Where'd your dad grow up?" and he said "He hasn't."

Robert_Rodriguez770 karma

I wanted to create a Road Warrior type character that went from town to town having adventures with a guitar case of weapons. I knew that would be too expensive for my first film, so I decided to do a prequel on the guy who became that character.

mar10wright555 karma

Danny, as a former inmate your story is truly inspiring. Do you still deal with the stigma of having been in prison?

DannyTrejo_1481 karma

No, I use having been in prison to my benefit. I have to say that people in the world want to help. And if you let them know that you are sincere, it does not matter whether you have been in prison or not, they will want to help you. Everything good that has happened to me is a direct result of helping someone else, so I had to stop worrying about people thinking about me having been in prison, but it had to become more about me helping other people. And the more I helped people, the better my life gets.

infernoenigma453 karma

How was working with Lady Gaga? How did she get involved in the production?

Robert_Rodriguez928 karma

I heard her complimenting the first Machete in the press. So I called her and asked if she was interested in acting, because I wanted to write a role for her, being a fan of her as a performer and an artist. And she said that she had studied acting first, and was open to giving it a try, and she had always wanted to be in one of my movies. So I wrote her a role, and she came in and killed it.

urf_450 karma

Danny! Have you ever been approached about being in any of the Expendables films? If not, what can we do to make this happen?

DannyTrejo_942 karma

They had posters of me that I was going to be in the Expendables, probably for all the Latino audiences, but I have never been in them. If they approach me, they approach me. I am just busy thinking of Machete.

Robert_Rodriguez1942 karma

Machete is not expendable!

sandwichheat412 karma

Thanks for doing this guys, big fan! Danny, word is you play a bad guy to show kids that the bad guy always loses. Any truth to that?

DannyTrejo_1242 karma

Absolutely. If somebody gave me a role, where the drug dealer bad guy gets away and gets to kiss the girl, I would not take it. The bad guys lose. The bad guys get their heads cut off by Machete. I don't want to lie. The bad guy loses, and if you don't believe me, look in the penitentiary.

Magnum_Cobra376 karma

How many gallons of fake blood were used during production?

Robert_Rodriguez735 karma

It's very time consuming to use real blood, especially if you get it on people's warddrobes, so we use a lot of digital blood. There's not as much real blood on-set anymore.

DannyTrejo_542 karma


paulcosca296 karma

Hello Robert! Glad you're doing an AMA!

Sin City is one of my favorites. It distilled badassery in a way few other films have. What was your favorite part of filming?

Also, what kind of intense badassery might be in store for us in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For?

Robert_Rodriguez365 karma

I loved the whole process, having so much control over the look of the film by utilizing green screen. It was very new back then, nobody was doing digital green screen.

It's bigger, it's better, the cast is incredible, the characters are some of the favorites returning and new ones as well. And it's been shot in 3-D. So visually, it will top the first one.

unknownfy24251 karma

Do you have a favorite horror movie that you always watch near Halloween?

DannyTrejo_934 karma

I make everybody watch From Dusk Till Dawn because I'm in it!

Robert_Rodriguez410 karma

Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein! It's actually really scary and funny.

colvon232 karma

Hey Mr Trejo. I loved your part on breaking bad. I was wondering if you followed the show, and if so what you thought of the ending?

DannyTrejo_411 karma

Awesome. My name is Tortuga!

B_Roni210 karma

Thank you guys so much for the Machete films. The most fun I've ever had in a theater was in Machete.

What kill from Machete was your favorite? Favorite Line?

DannyTrejo_620 karma

Machete don't text!!

nailbiter111201 karma

Danny, do you look good in drag?

DannyTrejo_621 karma

Hahhaha! I probably would, you know? I have great legs.

Dudecalion174 karma

Danny, big fan. Glad to see you taking the lead in these movies. Who's hotter in real life, Michelle or Jessica?

DannyTrejo_572 karma

They are both superhot. God, if I had to choose, I'd just kill myself.

PortKnox171 karma

I LOVE YOU GUYS! Me and my brothers have watched almost all of your movies! I only have a couple questions, but first, What is up with those red apple cigarettes?

Is grindhouse 2 in the works?

What's going on with the el rey network?

Any bloopers from From dusk till dawn or Four Rooms?

Thank you for doing this really!

Robert_Rodriguez274 karma

Red Apple is part of a line of fake products that Quentin and I use alternately in our movies. He has Red Apple cigarettes and Big Kahuna burgers, and I have things like Chango Beer to take the place of real products.

Grindhouse 2? No, but you will see some Grindhouse influence in Machete Kills.

The El Rey network is going great. We softlaunch in December and will be full-blown by January. We will premiere our Dusk Till Dawn television series in March.

There are bloopers on the DVDs...

Cletus_TheFetus160 karma

Question for Robert, Any news on Predators 2 and if it will be a direct sequel?

Robert_Rodriguez251 karma

No news on Predators 2 yet. We'd still love to do one.

TheSporkening145 karma

Danny, Heat is, hands down, the best heist flick I have ever seen. It's a truly great movie, and you were great in it. My question for you is about your tattoos, one in particular, the big ol' sombrero wearing dancer on your chest. What is it's significance?

Robert - what were the consequences for leaving the director's union when they would not let you credit Frank Miller the way you wanted.

Thanks for doing this guys. You rock.

DannyTrejo_258 karma

That was just done in 1965 by a friend of mine in prison named Harry Superjew Ross. And he was a tattoo artist and he put it on my chest in 65, that is when a lot of Hispanics were coming out and claiming their heritage, and I thought I would get a tattoo. I never thought I would get out of prison and it looked really good in prison. But International Tattoo magazine quoted it as being the most recognizable tattoo in the world. Honest to god

ItsChadReddit136 karma

This one's for Mr. Trejo.

How was your experience collaborating with John Murdy at Universal Studios Hollywood this year to help create the "El Cucuy: The Boogeyman" maze for Halloween Horror Nights 2013?

DannyTrejo_167 karma

That was great, that was a lot of fun. It's been received really really well and the line is about 85 minutes, so that is really cool. A lot of people like it, so that's good.

SquidLeo134 karma

Danny! I loved you so much in Bad Ass. It was refreshing to see you play a character who was at both times gentle and tough. My question is this, what is your dream role?

DannyTrejo_294 karma

Machete. I mean, I was dreaming about this role 20 years ago. And it was like, we would call Robert and when we made Uncle Machete in Spy Kids, I thought "wow this was cool" and then they made the trailer for Grindhouse and we came out of the theatre, everybody wanted to see Machete, so I would have to say that Machete is my dream role.

KushTheKitten134 karma

Machete and a time machine? When's it gonna happen?

DannyTrejo_360 karma

Hhahaha! Well first he has got to go into outer space.

Driver37120 karma

Hi Robert, Why Did you delay your film Sin City: A DAME TO KILL in matter of fact I remember that it was actually suppose to come out this Friday but you moved it to late August 2014. Can you Explain a little more detail on the how the films going along.

And I Can't wait for Machete Kills it's gonna kick ass man, keep up the good work your one of the best out there

Robert_Rodriguez208 karma

Thank you! Well we finished filming in March, so it was never going to come in October, we held that date to move Machete Kills there.

It was always planned to have it come out next year after the FX were finished.

Eat_Bacon_nomnomnom118 karma

Is Danny Trejo really as bad ass as he seems?

DannyTrejo_420 karma

Hahaha. No, one time my daughter was interviewed and they said "When your dad gets mad what does he do?" and she said "He yells" and then they asked "and then what do you do?" and she said "I laugh"

aabbccatx118 karma

So, how many people has Machete killed?

DannyTrejo_304 karma

Hahaha! Body count has gone in the high four numbers, it's like ridiculous. Me and Jessica Alba kill like 20 in the first few minutes of the new movie.

nailbiter11197 karma

Danny, what is your favorite flower?

DannyTrejo_355 karma

My favorite flower is the one my mom loved, the carnation.

lrod199791 karma

What is your favorite TV show and why is it Breaking Bad?

DannyTrejo_179 karma

You know what, the television that I watch? I like Animal Planet and history stuff. I watch very little TV because I am always working. But I watch Breaking Bad anytime I get a chance.

OgGorrilaKing78 karma

Why doesn't Machete text?

DannyTrejo_193 karma

Hahah! Because he improvises.

The_R3medy74 karma

Hey Danny! Huge fan! Do you think you are the hardest working man in Hollywood? Because you've been in like a million movies over the past few years.

DannyTrejo_159 karma

I try. I try because I love what I do, I love working, and if I'm not working I buy a vintage car.

marrew66 karma

Hey guys, thanks for doing an AMA!

My question is for Danny Trejo:

I always get sad when I see your character get killed off in a movie, because usually they are badasses. Do you usually expect to be killed off when you get cast?

DannyTrejo_186 karma

Well it depends. If I'm the bad guy, yes. Because bad guys die.

pwaves1361 karma

Ok so Danny, what did you think about what happened to you on breaking bad?

DannyTrejo_220 karma

I thought it was great. I think I'm the only actor in history to walk across the desert with his head on a turtle.

motherstep60 karma

Danny, it was nice to see you advertising Old El Paso food in the UK. You look so happy. What is your a favourite Mexican dish?

DannyTrejo_136 karma

Oh god, you know what I love Mexican food, I don't care, you put it on a plate I'll eat it. There's a Mexican soup they call Cocido.

ZeroPulseGB57 karma

What is your favorite video game?

DannyTrejo_147 karma

I'm not really into video games. But I did one called Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 that was cool and I also did a boxing one for Sony that I really liked.

lrod199756 karma

What was it like working with Sofia Vergara? As fun as it looks?

DannyTrejo_113 karma

Absolutely. It was like working with an angel. She's amazing.

thelast_timelord52 karma

What was the most valuable lesson you learned when you were first starting out as a filmmaker and an actor?

DannyTrejo_182 karma

Remember your lines and don't bump into the furniture.

dayofthedead20450 karma

Hi Robert,

I wanted to thank you personally first because I am also a huge Frank Frazetta fan. And if it wasn’t for you – I doubt I would have ever seen a Frazetta original painting in life. You brought some of his most famous works to Wizard World Chicago which I attended and I can’t thank you enough for doing that. I’m also a big fan of your films – your collaboration in “Four Rooms” and “Sin City” are my personal favorites.

So my question is also Frazetta related. Is the sibling rivalry between Frank Frazetta’s children still on-going or is it settled? I haven’t heard anything since Frank Jr. pretty much attempted to steal his father’s life work. As a secondary question – which of the pieces displayed at Wizard World are yours?

And thanks for bringing back Fire & Ice!

Robert_Rodriguez79 karma

I know the family very well, they are in agreement on everything that has to do with the paintings and the legacy of their amazing father. The painting that I own is called "Fire & Ice."

claudeman47 karma

Hey Robert, How much of what you plan on putting in your movies gets cut out because it's either too gory or just too crazy? Also I am from Acuna and I love of El Mariachi. Thanks!

Robert_Rodriguez72 karma

It depends. I don't usually have trouble with the MPAA because I self-edit and if something isn't working totally, I'll cut it, but usually they are very comical and over the top.

filmbuff10147 karma

What movies are coming out that you are excited to see?

Robert_Rodriguez133 karma

Other than Machete Kills...?

fumandreww45 karma

Quick! favorite movie both of you have worked on!

Robert_Rodriguez101 karma

It's hard to pick. I enjoy all of them. I have creative freedom, I have my own studio, and the actors get to come be really free so they're all just really fun.

DannyTrejo_95 karma

I like all the movies I've worked on.

MrThrasher36 karma

Danny -- do you workout? What's your routine like?

DannyTrejo_141 karma

Well, you know my routine is now just one body part a day. Just go in, work arms, go out. Go in, work chest, go out. Just one body part a day your muscles grow a lot better and stay in better shape and you don't get as sore. You get older you got to train a little smarter.

cozy_smug_cunt35 karma

Who would win between you two in a taco/tequila eating/drinking contest?

DannyTrejo_86 karma

Hahha! I don't drink, Robert drinks very little, so as far as tacos go, Robert can put them down. So he would win.

jcb050730 karma

What does machete like to do on his days off?

DannyTrejo_98 karma

Work on cars. I work on my old cars. I make sure they are tuned up. Like a 1936 Dodge touring sedan, you have to keep on top of that.

TonyFrame28 karma

Hey Robert & Danny - any plans to turn Machete into a TV show? I could see it working and being awesome, plus giving more time to develop Machete's character & stories. Cheers! -Tony-

DannyTrejo_60 karma

Well I think Robert might be thinking about it for El Rey.

hfc27 karma

Mr. Rodriguez,

As an aspiring hispanic filmmaker, I've been extremely excited about El Rey Network and the doors it will open for hispanic creators. Every day since the network was announced, I've checked online for any Creative-related job openings with the network. I would love nothing more than to ride with El Rey as a proud employee. May I speak to you about this further in private?

Sincerely, A young and hungry latino filmmaker looking to earn his place alongside the king...El Rey.

Robert_Rodriguez53 karma

We will have a place up soon. We are getting a lot of feedback like this, and we want to have a lot of community opportunities so people can come be a part of El Rey. We will be announcing soon how people can come be a part of it.

JulesBlues22 karma

Danny! Hi! If you had the chance to work with a director from the past, who'd you pick?

DannyTrejo_65 karma

Wow. Any director from the past... I worked with Andrei Konchalovsky on Runaway Train. And I think I would like to work with him again. But he moved to Russia. But I will see him in a couple weeks, and I would love to work with him again.

Lioness12320 karma

Absolutely love you both!

Thank you for being here today.

Danny and Robert, Do you have a favorite moment from filming that we never saw on the screen?

DannyTrejo_55 karma

No, because everything that you see on the screen is like what we did. We shot that in like 29 days, so we weren't doing too many mistakes.

ColonelSanders217 karma

Alright, here's a hard question. For both of you, what is your least favorite movie you've worked on?

DannyTrejo_23 karma

I don't think I've had a least favorite movie. I love what I do, and any movie, even a bad one, is a labor of love for somebody.

iamjohnmalkovich5 karma

In both of your opinions..who would win in a bar fight? Chuck Norris or Machete?

DannyTrejo_15 karma

Hahahahaa! I don't want to piss Chuck Norris off. Machete would have an advantage because he has a machete. But I'm going to tell you something, this is a Hollywood secret okay? All the karate guys and experts in the movies, all you have to do to make them shut up is say "Chuck Norris" and they will stop talking about what they can do.

(Machete don't lose)

Robert_Rodriguez13 karma

Machete don't lose. And Machete improvises, so he can always figure out a way.