I am a person who has situs inversus (my internal organs are reversed)
jeremydavis1333 karma
I will put it on my bucket list of crazy shit you can get away with when you are old.
friedjumboshrimp14 karma
Have you ever gone on a swingset so fast that you went completely over the top bar, completing a circle?
jeremydavis1347 karma
No, but I once flew around the Earth so fast, it started to rotate backwards. It was once used as the basis for the scene in a movie.
jeremydavis1318 karma
Right handed. I have heard there was a test in WW2 to look at balls to diagnose (second hand source...well probably like 5th) and in the name of science I just checked, my left one is lower. Didn't think I would be posting that on the internet today, or well ever. Anyways, what does that mean about the majority of males? Their right ball is lower? Or are they both even??
rsd21210 karma
Ever think about getting a tattoo on your chest with an arrow pointing to the right side saying "EMTs: Wrong side; heart is over there"?
jeremydavis1312 karma
Yeah, I have thought about getting a situs inversus tattoo. When I got trained for CPR, they told me if I ever had the AED set up on me, it should still work...should. I'm feeling quite confident.
Honkeyass2 karma
Do you tell everyone where your heart really is if it comes up, or do you just go along with it?
jeremydavis138 karma
Doesn't come up too often, but I teach anatomy and physiology, so the kids usually get a kick out of it. After reading this thread, apparently, I will need to point out that I don't crap out my mouth.
Honkeyass1 karma
You responded! I feel so special! Ha so you teach anatomy? Is it related to your condition, or did you just want to teach normally?
jeremydavis135 karma
I haven't. I guess there hasn't really been a reason to do it. The kids at school always ask if my brain is reversed, and if my right brain is really my left.
cpt_hammer5 karma
Have you ever been asked to volunteer as a patient for medical student exams? In med school we hear about occasions where a someone with dextracardia (just the heart) or situs inversus is the exam patient and it catches eveyone out - and can be used to test if students are lying when they say they can hear the heart sounds/feel the heartbeat
jeremydavis134 karma
I have not. Though, in one of my exams the doctor did have some students with them and had them check me out first to see if they would catch on.
cptstupendous4 karma
Has your condition affected your ability to be physically active? Do you have reduced (or increased) stamina, for instance?
Also, do you have an evil goatee?
jeremydavis1313 karma
Not that I know, I am pretty typical guy. I was a decent wrestler and soccer player in high school. I picked up running a few years back and ran a half marathon and then last year a full marathon.
Unfortunately, my evil brother inherited the strong facial hair gene. I only grow mine out to accent halloween costumes, or for bets. Last year, I had a dirty porn mustache for a day at school, because my friend bet me $20.
Slip_853 karma
This might be a foolish question, but are you right handed or left handed? I want to guess left handed since the majority of people are right and in your case that would be the opposite. I understand that my reasoning involves no use of science whatsoever.
Slip_853 karma
According to my made up science, that means you're actually a lefty! You're just all about being a lower percentage.
jeremydavis133 karma
I think that means I have a better chance of being the president one day, so I am cool with it.
jeremydavis131 karma
Apparently, when we talk about my condition in class, I will need to point out that I don't in fact shit out of my mouth. I didn't know so many people would immediately think this.
lurkingfrom20092 karma
How does it feel when you are examined by every student? Also do you trick doctors and nurses when they periodically check up on youg
jeremydavis136 karma
Well, unfortunately, I have to have my intestines looked at every year because of my deformities. Frankly, it sucks. First year, I came in and the doctor brought 2 med students with him. They scoped my rear, and weren't very smooth.
Though that is nothing to last year. Apparently, they had a new doctor last year. So, with the scope up my rear, the doctor leaves the room to go and see if that doctor is available to come look. (I am a double freak in that regard as I not only have situs inversus, I also have a rare deformity of my large intestine.)
jeremydavis134 karma
I am a guy. And usually people ask, it only affects my internal organs. All outer anatomy is normal. (Teaching high school kids, it never takes long to go down this path.)
SocksOnHands3 karma
How do you know that your outsides are not reversed? People are symmetrical.
jeremydavis132 karma
Yeah, I think it was the first time I had x rays of my organs. It doesn't have any negative side effects for me. Though the wiki says, some who are born with it have immediate congenital issues.
glassf0x1 karma
With your appendicitis was your pain on the 'wrong side'? Did it mean it took longer for them to diagnose you with it?
jeremydavis135 karma
Yes, by then they knew my stuff was backwards so they knew that was where the pain should be. Not really, I was in such bad pain by the time I got to the emergency room in the middle of the night they knew.
StooftheGoof1 karma
What would happen if you needed an organ transplant of some sort? I'm assuming a normally oriented heart or liver wouldn't "fit" in your body. Would they have to find another person with situs inversus to donate?
jeremydavis131 karma
I looked at the wiki that someone linked to in the TIL post. It sounds like it would be a little screwy for most (except the organs you have two of I imagine). It said that the arteries and veins would be messed up.
paraplegicgiraffe1 karma
Do you have to carry a card in your wallet explaining your condition? What if it were an emergency and you couldnt communicate with the doctors?
jeremydavis131 karma
I had a necklace at one point. I lost it some time back in high school.
When I get a new job, I do usually tell my co-workers in case anything messed up happens.
I should probably get another necklace though.
jeffontiv171 karma
So your heart is on your right side? This maybe a dumb question but what about your brain? Are the hemispheres swapped? I know both hemispheres look the same but as far as functionality goes, would you happen to know if they are are they reversed?
jeremydavis131 karma
Yes, my heart is on the right side. I don't know. Someone else mentioned it would be useful if I ever have a stroke, but by then I guess I will already have had a stroke, and we will probably know what issues I am facing. Hopefully, we will never find out.
christoph991 karma
Can you be an organ donor? I'd imagine if you're organs are on the different sides that the heart is also mirrored meaning you're aortas aren't in the same place so they can't be matched with someone else
jeremydavis132 karma
I checked the box to donate. Who knows, maybe they will go to some other person with situs inversus.
jeremydavis132 karma
Blue. Though it might be because I can't tell the difference between blue and purple because I am color blind. My seven year old has already latched on to this in order to terrorize me.
eminoff1 karma
"As for saying the pledge, I am a teacher, and I simply don't put my hand all the way across my chest...too many kids thinking I was an idiot when I was younger and used the other arm."
I am not sure I understand. Why would you have to use the other arm? For the heart? Is it not towards center or is that on your right side as well?
jeremydavis131 karma
It is still towards the center like all hearts. But when I was growing up, I would use my left arm when I found it. Too many questions about why I did that, so I ended up just short arming it with my right arm.
eminoff1 karma
If someone were not diagnosed but had this condition do you think it would cause problems for them? Is this something, after having dealt with it, do you feel more people should be aware about?
jeremydavis131 karma
Not really, the only issues I ever had were in diagnosing my appendicitis. It's not something I have to actively deal with.
Obese_Teen1 karma
If you got shot where a heart is on someone without situs inversus. Would you die?
jeremydavis132 karma
No, but that is unrelated to my condition. That is because I am so badass I laugh at getting shot in the chest.
ErmahgerdPerngwens1 karma
How did you find out you had Situs Inversus?
As a kid when you're commonly taught your heart "is on the left side" did you get freaked out that your heartbeat wasn't there? If you knew, did it freak other kids out?
This could be an interesting AMA, but no offence, this doesn't sound like it affects you much? The photo doesn't prove much, as there's no lettering or identifiable features to say it has/hasn't been flipped. :(
jeremydavis132 karma
Yeah, you're right about the proof, sorry I don't have anything better.
They didn't find out until they were looking at x-rays to see if my appendix was acting up when I was 8. As for heartbeat, since your heart is really close to the middle noone had an issue hearing my heart beat. I remember being told when they found out, it is really compounded for kids who have a smaller chest.
jeremydavis131 karma
Here is a picture of my appendectomy scar. It is on the left side, but it should be on the right.
filya21 karma
Ever tried to play a prank on doctors? Rushing into the emergency room and yelling "Aliens teleported my heart away!!" and then the look on their face when they check you.
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