My short bio:

In the summer of 1967, I dropped out of college just before entering my third year. I had run out of money and would soon be drafted. In order to somewhat control my own future, I enlisted in the U.S. Army’s helicopter flight school program.

I flew hundreds of missions for the 119th AHC, stationed in the Central Highlands at Camp Holloway in Pleiku, Vietnam. I was awarded twenty-five Air Medals, four campaign Bronze Stars, and The Distinguished Flying Cross among numerous other awards.

In 2015 I wrote a book about my experiences. Guts 'N Gunships was a best seller on Amazon for several months. It was #1 in non-fiction and #11 overall on Amazon e-books. It describes the whole process, from basic training, flight school, flying combat in Vietnam, and my return to the United States. It includes many incidents in combat flight, including being hit by rocket propelled grenades and being on fire in the air, over hundreds if not thousands of enemy troops. I also describe the daily lives, emotions, and nuances of the pilots and what we considered their mission to be.

After the book was released, I discovered a tape that had been recorded of the mission where I was nearly shot down by two RPGs. You can watch it here. (My callsign is Pigpen.)

In 2018 I was in the Wall's Embrace, a documentary about the Vietnam Memorial, better known as the Wall, in Washington, D.C. It was a well done documentary about the healing effects of the Wall when veterans and their families visit.

I also recorded an interview for the Veteran's History Project. You can find all the videos on my YouTube channel.

My son is a veteran of the Iraq War (2003-2004) and he is here today to help me with the technical side of the AMA.

My Proof:

Here's my verification photo and I will also post on my Facebook page for Guts N' Gunships after the post is live.

Edit: I have updated my Facebook page for Guts N' Gunships for additional proof. You can see the post here:

Comments: 139 • Responses: 49  • Date: 

CurryWIndaloo43 karma

Have you been back to Vietnam since the war?

markvgarrison34 karma

No, I haven't but I am considering going at some point. I would love to go back and see the area where I served. Pleiku and the II Corp region in the mountains.

CurryWIndaloo15 karma

Thanks for your sacrifice, hope your day goes well.

markvgarrison13 karma

Thank you.

dpdervish29 karma

How were you treated when you returned from Vietnam? I hear a lot about veterans of Vietnam not receiving a warm welcome back.

markvgarrison119 karma

I was treated like shit. This has become a cliche, and a lot of people don't believe it because of that, but when I flew back in to Seattle Tacoma air field, we were met by a group of war protestors who called us mother f*ckers, baby killers, and war criminals. They also spit at us. Some of it hit its mark. Even after the war when I went back to college, I would not wear my military flight jacket or anything else military because you never knew when it was going to generate hostility. The country tried to make an apology to the Vietnam vet in the 80s, but the damage had already been done to us. The apology was a day late and a dollar short, so to speak.

Now, everybody that puts on a uniform is considered a hero, which is bullshit.

emptypeter29 karma

At what point do you start thinking less about your mortality and more about the mission, if ever?

markvgarrison40 karma

To be a good pilot you can't think about your mortality, it's all about the mission.

H0agh11 karma

How do you cope with fear though? Just shut it out completely? And if you managed to do that, how?

markvgarrison35 karma

Your training was so good in military flight school that it allowed you to leave fear at the door when you started the mission. Frankly, you were entirely too busy to even think about fear. That's not to say that it wasn't there, but you had to put it on the back burner. The guys that didn't tended to not to make it home. You could not panic. On the other hand, when you were walking toward the aircraft to start the mission, fear often prevalent. When you returned from a successful mission, it wasn't unusual for your hands to be shaking. Anyone that says that they weren't afraid at some point is either a liar or a fool.

warrenkm26 karma

I saw Mark's post on Facebook about doing the live Reddit and wanted to stop by and encourage everyone to purchase "Guts 'N Gunships." I have a hard copy and have listened to the audiobook off of Audible several times. I've been through at least a couple hundred books on Viet Nam and this is one of my favorites.

I hope you've been well, Mark. It's good to see you still at it.

My question is - how many hours did you have when you left Wolters and how many hours did you have when you first got to Viet Nam?

markvgarrison33 karma

When I left primary flight school at Ft Wolters, I probably had somewhere around 125 hours. But then I went to Ft Rucker, AL, for Huey Transition and Instrument Training. I had 212.5 hours logged when I left flight school, so that's what I had when I got to Vietnam. By the way, you thought you knew how to fly when you got to Vietnam, but you quickly learned that you just had the basics and you really learned how to fly over there in the mountains, because it's a completely different ballgame with air currents and all the other complicating factors, like people shooting at you with a bunch of machine guns.

warrenkm15 karma

Wow that is not very many. I just got my Rotary Helicopter PPL last month and my Commercial RH last week (as add ons to ASEL/AMEL). It's hard to imagine dropping into a confined space, fully loaded, 6000+ feet DA, and in formation no less, all with people shooting in anger. No, hard is the wrong word, impossible to imagine is more like it. I think at least keeping moving in a gunship keeps the energy component of the equation in your favor. By the way, if you don't already know, Marpat Aviation in Logan, WV lets people fly their UH1 (with IP/supervision of course!) for the cost of fuel, June of every year. I see you said you were flying Robinsons at some point but if you want some stick time in a UH1 again it's a place to do it. I went last year and had a blast riding in back. Next year I'm going to get time at the controls. Would be great to see you there.

markvgarrison11 karma

I really thank you for that information. And you may very well see me there. Thanks again.

warrenkm8 karma

You're welcome. Robert Curtis, author of "Surprised at Being Alive," is a good POC as he is one of the pilots as is is Mike Holbrook at Marpat Aviation. Thanks again for doing the Q&A. With all sincerity - welcome home.

markvgarrison7 karma

Thank you, Sir!

warrenkm8 karma

One more question - Why no mustache? While I am operating from memory here I believe the pictures I saw of you in Viet Nam did not indicate a mustache. You had to be the only guy sitting up front in a helicopter in the whole country that didn't have one! :)

markvgarrison10 karma

LOL Answer is simple. I was 22 years old and at that age I couldn't have grown a decent mustache if I had wanted to. That situation changed as I aged.

CsmicPerspective16 karma

I know this can be tough to talk about, but did you ever receive any sort of advanced treatment for PTSD or mental health? If so, would you be comfortable discussing what method?

markvgarrison36 karma

Everybody, including me, that went through what I did has PTSD whether they know it or not. One thing people do not understand is that PTSD is a lifelong condition. You cannot cure it, but you can learn to live with it. One of the most difficult things when you come home is that you have this devil in you and you didn't know what it is. It's hard to fight something when you can't recognize your enemy. This condition was called shell-shock in WW1, battle fatigue in WW2, and now it's evolved into PTSD. This is the first generation where it's accurately understood. It has nothing to do with cowardice, as they used to believe. It's all about incredible sensory overload that no one should have to go through. I received counseling through the VA that helped me recognize what I was fighting and helped me deal with it much more effectively.

bmbreath7 karma

Did the VA provide these services when you returned or was this only more recently that they were helping your mind? Did they do anything to help you prepare for the transition back to civilian life?

I just bought your book on kindle and am excited to read it. Thank you and have a good day!

markvgarrison12 karma

I didn't go to the VA until I was 52 years old. So it wasn't the VAs fault that I didn't get help from them earlier. I still at that point did not realize what was affecting me. When I did go to the VA, they did provide effective counseling and mainly a description of what I was dealing with, PTSD. When you know what you're dealing with you have a chance of succeeding.

enzocw12 karma

Hi, who was the most memorable person you served with, and why? Is there anything you miss about your service? Thanks

markvgarrison16 karma

There were several pilots that I was close to and I miss the camaraderie and the dedication everyone had to getting as many American soldiers home as we could. That actually became our mission.

tottenhamnole12 karma

Which type of mission did you enjoy the most, and dread the most? Did you continue to fly helicopters after the war?

markvgarrison35 karma

The missions that I enjoyed the most and dreaded the most at the same time where we were able to get American soldiers out alive. Other missions that I enjoyed were called "Lima Charlie" missions, which military lingo for Lawn Chair. In these missions we waited for hot missions that sometimes never came and were able to go home unscathed. Another one that I really liked was what I called the Cheo Rio river runs where a team of gunships would low level down the river, so low that the rotor wash from the blades would churn up the water. The game was to see who could stay on the river at low level, which was tortuous, and the first to pop over the trees and chicken out, lost. Oftentimes you would receive automatic weapons fire from the river banks and we would go back and engage the enemy. At this point we were adrenaline junkies.

Yes, after the war I flew Robinson helicopters just be able to take my family up to show them what a helicopter flight was all about. Needless to say, we didn't do any family river runs. My wife wouldn't let me get any higher than a 5 foot hover. I did teach my corporate pilot who has 20,000+ hours in turbojet and jet aircraft how to fly a helicopter.

Oilcantoo11 karma

Do you have plans to attend one of our 119th reunions?

markvgarrison14 karma

Yes, I do. Complications with my health and my wife's health have prevented me from coming the past 2 or 3 years to Branson but I do plan to go when all this clears up.

biseptol10 karma

Your opinion on the “Chickenhawk” book?

markvgarrison13 karma

Bob Mason's Chickenhawk is an excellent book. He takes a different approach than I did. He flew slicks (troop deployment) aircrafts and my book is mostly about gunships.

Jakisokio9 karma

If someone pops bubblewrap do you have a flashback? If no what triggers/triggered flashbacks now or when you first got home

markvgarrison21 karma

No, but when I first came back from Vietnam at a Fourth of July celebration in my mother's yard and a kid came up behind me and threw a pack of firecrackers at my feet. I immediately jumped head first into a thorny rose bush.

I also had a recurring nightmare for several years after the war where I got controls shot out and spun into the jungle. I think this is because almost happened on two occasions.

quirkycurlygirly8 karma

Were you there when US troops were withdrawn? If so, how did your mission change? My uncles were there, too. Thank you for your service!

Edit: Your calm under fire in the audio clip was remarkable. I find that clip to be very encouraging about what a person can get through and very helpful for anxiety. People like you saved my uncles' lives on the ground.

markvgarrison17 karma

I was not there when US troops were withdrawn. I was there in '68 and '69, during some of the heaviest fighting of the war. The thing I am most proud of in my service in Vietnam is I was able to get people home, like your uncle, that otherwise would not have made it to come home and have children and grandchildren and a full life. That to me is a very important and worthwhile thing.

quirkycurlygirly2 karma

Thank you for answering my question. You have no idea what a positive impact that had on my family! I couldn't put it all into words.

markvgarrison3 karma

You're welcome. I'm happy this had a positive impact

Krokan627 karma

What weaponry did the North Vietnamese use that concerned you the most during your flights?

markvgarrison22 karma

Going into landing zones when I was flying troop deployment aircraft, they used AK47s and rocket fired grenades (RPGs). When you went into an LZ (landing zone) you had to come to a hover many times at about 100 feet at the jungle canopy and descend into a deep dark hole. If the enemy was there, they wouldn't shoot at you until you were about halfway down and you didn't have the power to pull out without dropping your troop load. That's when all hell would break loose and the North Vietnamese would catch you in a 10-2 or a 4-8 cross fire. You felt like you had a bullseye on the bottom of the aircraft. The troops on board would open up with their M16s and the ship's M60s would open up and sometimes throwing hot brass down your neck while trying to fly the aircraft. These guys would jump out of the aircraft sometimes over 10 feet in front of a bunch of people with machine guns shooting at them because they felt that was safer than the being on the aircraft. They happened to be right. You must understand that you only had a couple feet of clearance around your rotor blades going into these LZs and you needed to stay entirely concentrated on flying the aircraft or you weren't going to make it out of there.

The most concerning when you were at altitude flying were the 12.7mm anti-aircraft guns. The tracers looked like flaming footballs coming at you and you knew if one hit you in the fuel cell you were a goner. As a matter of fact if any of them hit you, you were a goner.

Took-the-Blue-Pill6 karma

Do you remember the first time you thought that you might be pretty darn good at this helicopter-flying business?

markvgarrison8 karma

The first time I went into a very small landing zone (LZ) in Nam with no one on the controls but me. I had to come to a hover at about a hundred feet and then put her straight down with just a couple of feet clearance of the blades without hitting the trees, dropping the LRRP team and coming straight up and out without incident. I think that would have been the moment.

RDubs11236 karma

Good afternoon, Did you fly the AH1 Cobra too? If so which was your favorite of the two? Also I listened to the audio tape, sounded intense to put it lightly. I could never imagine.. But I was pretty shocked hearing about the damage the Heli took... 2 rpgs.. small arms and 37mm rounds. Can you describe what it looked like after and was it able to be repaired? Thanks.

markvgarrison16 karma

No, I didn't fly the Cobra. I wish I could have. It had a lot more power and was easier to fly than the under powered and overloaded Charlie Model Huey that I generally flew. The only reason we survived the RPGs' was the fact that one hit one rocket pod and the then the other hit the other pod at deflecting angles away from the interior of the aircraft. Both pods had hung up rockets in them that had the rocket motors on fire licking at the warheads. I tried to eject them using both electrical and mechanical jettison systems but both had been shot out and didn't work. The only thing that saved us that day was the backseat crew that climbed out on the skids, held only with a bungy cord, and physically kicked the burning pods off before they blew up. Those two guys, the crew chief and gunner, saved allof our lives that day. All the credit goes to them. We were at tree level at more than one hundred knots receiving all kinds of AK-47 fire, some of which was coming through the cockpit and cargo area. One round directly hit a smoke grenade on the rack in the back, somehow activated it and tossed it into the crew chief's M-60 ammo box and started cooking off rounds. He threw the whole box out as well but we went IFR in the cockpit. It got super hairy at that point. If you want more detail, it's in my book

07sev4 karma

Welp. Add that book to my ever growing list of too insane to believe books... I love hearing stories like that. I'm not american but still, thank you for your service!

markvgarrison1 karma

Thank you, Sir

RDubs11231 karma

Thats too bad ive always loved the look of the cobra but the huey seems like a solid workhorse. I didn't even think about the back crew, I'm guessing they don't train them to kick the rocket pods off..? Glad you guys made it out, I will definitely check out your book. Thanks for the response and take care.

markvgarrison1 karma

You're welcome, Sir.

KeepOnTrippinOn5 karma

How did you find readjusting to life "back in the world" after your tour was over? Did you get back to a fairly normal, stable life or was it anything along the lines of Robert Mason(of Chickenhawk fame)?

markvgarrison10 karma

I buried it all for years and was able to finish a bachelors degree and then go four more years to chiropractic school and get a doctorate. I consider myself lucky, because I had a very supportive wife who loves me and was behind me all the way. A lot of people do not have that support. Suicide among Vietnam veterans is epidemic and that is tragic.

KeepOnTrippinOn3 karma

Yes I've read a lot about returning Vietnam veterans and I'm glad to hear you did well upon returning, many thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

markvgarrison5 karma

You are welcome, Sir!

daan19985 karma

I know everyone wants to know about the bad parts of being “over there”, but what would you say was the best or your favorite thing from your experience? Neither of the Vets I knew who were in Vietnam (uncle and father in law) will talk about it at all... good or bad.

markvgarrison13 karma

The good part was the closeness and friendships among the pilots that have lasted a lifetime. It is basically a bond that cannot be broken. All of us came to realize that our job was to get as many Americans home alive that we possibly could. I feel good about the fact that we were able to get a lot of soldiers home alive that have grandchildren on their knees today that would not have been alive if the helicopter pilots had not been there for them.

Eversooner3 karma

Have you read Brennans War? If so what are your thoughts on his experience as a FO for the air cav?

markvgarrison2 karma

I have not read it, but it is on my reading list.

TalkingBackAgain3 karma

Did you guys really fly by the instrumentation lights of the choppers flying in front of you? Because that doesn’t safe enough to be true but crazy enough for a place like Viet Nam and I wonder which it is?

markvgarrison9 karma

At night if you were in some sort of formation, you relied on the lights of the helicopters around you but not the instrument lights on their panels. You could not see them. Believe it or not, if you were receiving fire you had to go lights out and do a lot of praying.

HowlingPantherWolf3 karma

Did flying helicopters ever get boring or mundane in the long term or do you consider it interesting enough to keep doing it until retirement age?

markvgarrison10 karma

Choppers never got boring for me. After the war, I became an instructor pilot (IP) at Fort Wolters, Texas, in an OH 23D Hiller to train guys that were virtually all headed to Nam. The only reason I stopped flying helicopters for several years was because they are often prohibitively expensive in the civilian world. So, I got my fixed wing rating and bought a classic Stinson 108-2. It was a four seater single engine 1947 model that happens to be the same year I was made. I flew several hundred hours in the Stinson and various other aircraft until about the year 2000. Since then I sold the Stinson and have had the opportunity to become qualified in a Robinson R-22, which gave me the ability to take members of my family up several times and teach my corporate pilot brother how to fly it. He has 23,000 hours logged in fixed wing aircraft, many of them in twin engine turboprop all the way up to the Cessna Citation. I still fly occasionally my brothers aircraft, which is a 1946 Aeronca Champ. Now, that's back to grass roots flying and I love it

HowlingPantherWolf1 karma

Thank you for the answer! I'm preparing to join the selection for my country's air force and wonder what a career in choppers would be like if i got selected for them. This answer only increases my motivation to go for it, thanks again.

markvgarrison1 karma

Thank you and good luck to you in your career!

smittyline3 karma

Welcome home Pigpen. Did your chopper have a locking fuel cap to keep someone from throwing a rubber banded grenade in?

markvgarrison7 karma

Good question. That incident happened once that I know of where sappers did exactly that. It went off in midair and the poor bastards didn't have a chance. the whole crew was killed. But, no, we, at least, did not have locking fuel caps, so what we did was put an indiscreet pencil mark on the cap after refueling that extended to the area around it. If that mark did not line up exactly the next morning, you got the hell away from the aircraft and called in the bomb squad. Fortunately, this never happened to me.

C4Dave3 karma

How prevalent was drug use by both sides?

markvgarrison8 karma

I can't comment on the NVA but I can tell you that I never came across one pilot in any company that was using drugs, other than alcohol at night to blow off some steam. I understand that there was a lot of marijuana use among regular troops and came across that several times. Supposedly, there was also a lot of things like heroin floating around as well but I have no first hand knowledge of that myself.

ssbmmaster2 karma

Not sure if this question has been asked already but I recently read a Vietnam book written by Tim O'Brien (If I Die in a Combat Zone...). Anyways, after reading that book, it gave me insight about how soldiers were thinking about ditching the army. Did you ever had such thoughts yourself and did you disagree with the war from a moral standpoint? If so, could you touch on that and give a detailed explanation as to why?

markvgarrison4 karma

I address many of your questions on my Mark Garrison You tube channel through several interviews. I will say that I never thought of ditching the army. After all, some poor guy would have had to take my place and I would never have known if he made it home alright or not. I couldn't have lived with that. My feelings about the war are discussed on the You tube channel.

C4Dave2 karma

Any songs from that time that you love / hate?

markvgarrison5 karma

Love Three Dog Night, CCR, Beatles(esp. Sergeant Pepper's album, Led Zeppelin. Can't think of any songs or artists that I hate.

Gigutsy2 karma

My great grandmothers brother from Finland died in a helicopter crash in Vietnam, she couldnt handle it when she found out. What did you do after the war?

markvgarrison3 karma

I finished a Bachelor's Degree and then went four more years to chiropractic school for a doctorate and practiced for thirty-five years before retiring just a few years ago. Thank you for your interest and your question. I'm sorry for your family's loss and feel great empathy for what your great grandmother suffered through. I know how hard that is. I've experienced that very feeling on multiple occasions.

BigBabyMeBane922 karma

Did you ever try Vietnamese food when you were there? Did you eat the C rations?

markvgarrison3 karma

Yes to both. I hated C Rations, but Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP Rations) were actually pretty good. They were dehydrated meals that were hermetically sealed in a plastic pouch. Just hydrate them with hot water and you were in business. Consider them a precursor to the modern MREs. As far as Vietnamese food is concerned, I really liked most of it. It's unique.

stadlles2 karma

did you ever see any lightnings flying around?

markvgarrison2 karma

If you mean did I see lightening strikes in stormy weather, the answer is yes.

SWEET__PUFF2 karma

Hey mark. I'm seeing in your bio you went to Palmer around the same time as my father.

Did you happen to know a guy who was known as something like "George the Greek?"

He had a mutual friend who was a Cobra pilot in Vietnam. Guy named John Sainio. He's since deceased, but had some wild stories.

markvgarrison3 karma

I'm sorry, but I didn't happen to know them.

JupiterIMeanJesus1 karma

Did you ever have moments where you thought "I regret this" or "Im going to leave after this"?

markvgarrison1 karma

I'm sure everyone over there had moments of regret. You didn't really have the option to leave unless you were in a body bag with a tag on your toe!

lilred1811 karma

I saw one of your YouTube videos a year back or so and was so moved I immediately bought your book and read it as soon as it arrived. Thank you so much for writing it, I found it so fascinating. Did you find it harder to talk about your experiences or is writing about them more challenging?

Bonus question: I read it a year ago but I remember you mentioning you had a bear at base, is that really true!?

markvgarrison3 karma

It depends on the situation. Eventually, with a lot of push from my family, I knew I had to write the book so more people would have a better understanding of what a few brave young men endured in Vietnam. Writing it was cathartic for me. Yes, we had two bears in a large steel cage. Some guys would actually get drunk and go in and wrestle with them. They were Malayan Sun Bears, small for a bear but with huge teeth and claws. Of course, they were rather tame by then and usually drunker than the humans wrestling them. They loved beer and would sit on their asses and kill bottle after bottle as long as you would give it to them. Some of the best beer drinkers I've ever seen!

adequate_turtle1 karma

Do you have any advice for those suffering from back pain at home?

markvgarrison8 karma

It depends, of course, on what the cause of the back pain is. If it's mechanical in nature, in my opinion, you should see a good chiropractic physician who uses a hands on, diversified approach. Mechanical back pain, which is by far the most common type, can usually be helped by chiropractic spinal manipulation. If that is not successful he should make a referral for further investigation. Btw, at home go easy on heat pads. They often give temporary relief but ultimately can make your condition worse. Often ice packs for about thirty minutes at a time every hour or so are quite helpful. Of course, a good exercise regimen is almost always helpful. If you smoke, do your best to quit. Smokers have a much higher incidence of low back pain. A balanced and nutritious diet is also important. You've given me a rather loaded question and the answers can vary greatly depending on your particular condition. I've given you a few general suggestions that I sincerely hope are helpful to you. I hope you find someone that can help you.

markvgarrison4 karma

On the other hand, I may have completely misunderstood your question, Sir. Being a chiropractic physician, I immediately assumed you were talking about back pain. If you meant advice for those still suffering from the effects of Vietnam, then the answer is to go to behavioral health at the VA and get counseling asap. They can be quite helpful and deal with these things every day.

napalmsticks2kids1 karma

What would I need to do to buy a signed copy? I am an avid reader and a studying historian focused on US Military history. I also have recently been on a binge of Vietnam biographies and auto biographies.

markvgarrison1 karma

If you are willing to give me your email address I can tell you how that can be done.

Penelepillar1 karma

Have you read “Chickenhawk?”

markvgarrison1 karma

Yes. It's a great book.

QuakinOats1 karma

What made you decide to enlist in the Army helicopter program over other branches and programs? Had you had any experience with aviation before that?

Did you get to choose to pilot gunships over troop transport missions?

markvgarrison5 karma

I was about to be drafted and I wanted to have a say about what my job would be in the army. I had flown fixed wings off and on with my brother but did not have a certificate, so I had a general interest in aviation and choppers intrigued me. So, I enlisted in the Warrant Officer Candidate program for helicopter flight school. As far as gunships go, I was flying slicks and happened to get an invitation by the gunship platoon to join them and I jumped at the chance. In a gunship you had an active role in getting lots guys on the ground out of real tough jams.

Pteromys441 karma

My father was a 189th Ghost Rider pilot. Did you get chucked into the pool nearby Fort Wolters when you soloed?

markvgarrison1 karma

YES! Everybody that soloed got tossed into the Holiday Inn pool. You walked(were manhandled) under a set of crossed rotor blades and thrown into the pool. It was a tradition that I remember well!

PandazzlePro1 karma

Have you flown a helicopter since?

markvgarrison2 karma

Yes, a Robinson R-22 for several logged hours.

TimothyThotDestroyer1 karma

Thank you and your son for your alls service.

I recently read Low Level Hell, whats your opinion on it?

Have you ever been to West Virginia and ate biscuits and gravy (that stuffs the best)?

Whats your favorite food and drink?

Again, thank you for your service. I know quite a few Vietnam veterans, and even a Marine who fought in the Pacific in WW2. I've heard the Marine doesn't like talking about it, and he's such a happy and nice guy, gives all the kids and everyone who says hi a Werther's Caramel, which has become my favorite candy. One of the Vietnam veterans I know is one of my best friends, and I occasionally go over to his house and play tabletop war strategy games and CoD WW2. He's an absolute legend.

markvgarrison1 karma

I'm yet to read Low Level Hell but it's on my reading list. Yes, I have been to W. Virginia and ate biscuits and gravy. I agree that's it's the best. I have so many things that I enjoy eating and drinking that it's hard for me to pick single items out.

smittyline0 karma

Would you fly a LOH (Loach)?

markvgarrison1 karma

I would love to fly one!