Howdy Reddit.

I’m character actor David Ury. I played Spooge in Breaking Bad, Rick the landlord in Community, Hiram Pugh in Justified, and a dead Irish sailor in a high school play.

I’m happy to answer whatever questions I can.

Here are some links.

Twitter(I’ll post verification tweet)

Surfing Monkey Character actor Show (my 3-4 minute show with about being a character actor with fellow character actor Tahmus Rounds from The Crazies. 10 episodes total) Subscribe, yo.

My Stand up

My 2 minute actors reel

Comments: 297 • Responses: 82  • Date: 

LuisMoncada232 karma

Awesome job on Breaking Bad! Great Picture ;)

Surfingmonkeyshow165 karma

Thanks, Luis. I was just watching your episodes. TERRIFYING!

LuisMoncada180 karma

Thank u, David. Hope to work with you in the Future. Good luck with your AMA you're gonna have a great time with my fellow REDDITORS (if they get a little crazy, Let me know...I'll Dispose of them ;)

Surfingmonkeyshow104 karma

Thanks. I'm going to send you a list of names.

DJSkullblaster40 karma

Are you gonna give us...the AXE???



LuisMoncada68 karma

YEP ;)

Surfingmonkeyshow10 karma

Hey, Luis. You should join us as a guest on the Surfing Monkey Show. It's a little show I do about being a character actor. See the link above. I just followed you on twitter. If you're interested, follow me and send me a message on twitter

Splatchy103 karma

Did the actor who played the kid understand the context of what was happening in the episode, or was he kept in the dark like the kid in The Shining?

Surfingmonkeyshow170 karma

ahh, I don't think the kids really knew what was going on in the episode...thank god.

GibbsEC83 karma

Hi David, How long did it take to do the makeup on your teeth and face

Surfingmonkeyshow278 karma

Make up took about 3 hours. We were on location. When I left the trailer, security came up and told me I can't be on set. That's when I knew they'd done a good job :)

NaughtyPenguin48 karma

Hey David! Thanks for doing this AMA.

I was wondering how you prepared for your role as Spooge?

I absolutely hated him and his wife and felt terrible about their kid. That episode was heartbreaking!

Surfingmonkeyshow74 karma

I had done some work playing meth addicts before, including a PSA for Montana Meth, and a role on ER (which I was cut out of). I had done a bit of research about severe users, their nervous energy and some of the habits they develop. So I brought some of that to it...Other than that, I took my clues from the writing and Spooge's use of terms like "subdural hematoma" to create a back story for his pre-meth life.

edify46 karma

Daviiid! Thanks for setting aside some time to do this AMA and kick it with us on r/breakingbad.

Surfingmonkeyshow44 karma

Happy to do it.

Drunken-Historian44 karma

How was it like having your wife on set be a skank?

Surfingmonkeyshow312 karma

Didn't you learn anything from the show? She ain't no skank!

Tylertheguitarist41 karma

What was it like doing the head crush scene?

Surfingmonkeyshow87 karma

I'll paste an answer from below. . The ATM scene was very difficult. They had a whole dug into the ground where I put my head when it starts to fall. It was held up by sandbags so that it wouldn't actually hit my head...but it still scared the && outta me. Then my stunt double actually had to lie there and bury his head into the hole when the atm came down for real.

bacon162537 karma

What was it like working with cast of the breaking bad? It seems like it would be awesome to be a part of. Also thanks for doing this AMA

Surfingmonkeyshow79 karma

It was one of the best jobs I've ever had in my life. Everybody was gracious, kind, and dedicated. It was the job against which I measure all jobs.

bacon162533 karma

Thanks for the answer :) also I'm just wondering but what is Aaron Paul like in real life?

Surfingmonkeyshow48 karma

He's a very nice , down to earth guy.

MntnDw33 karma

How did you like that sweater?


Surfingmonkeyshow48 karma

I'm wearing it right now.

Tadhg30 karma

Hi David, thanks for doing this.

The episode you were in was one of the very best.

Something I wondered about:

Was the guy who was killed in the store where Spooge stole the ATM from ( supposed to be Hugo the janitor, who got fired from the school where Walter worked?

Surfingmonkeyshow26 karma

Wow...I don't know. good ? . anybody?

shoulderdeep26 karma

how funny is the always sunny cast off stage? did you ever touch danny devito's cock?

Surfingmonkeyshow151 karma

They are funny. That was a very inspirational show to work on. They kept improvising their scenes and you could tell they were having a great time. To answer your second question....I'm 39, you can't expect me to remember every cock I've touched.

BreakingGlad25 karma

big fan here! just wanted to say that your episode was one of my favorites of season 2! any upcoming projects for 2013?

Surfingmonkeyshow21 karma

Thanks so much.
Upcoming films I'm in are Coffetown (Glenn Howerton, Steve little,)

Little Boy (Kevin James, Tom Wilkinson)

One project I'm excited for is the indie action flick Cockroaches. Where I get tortured. They just raised a bunch of dough on kickstarter and are shooting soon.

I also have an episode of TV coming up but I don't think I can say anything about the show...

CountGrasshopper23 karma

It seems you've played a lot of junkies. Is there something about that sort of character that really appeals to you?

Surfingmonkeyshow39 karma

I do enjoy playing junkies and sketchy types. Playing a junkie gives you a lot to work with. Since your character is probably high, or coming down, you get the freedom to get a little crazier than in a lot of comparably sized roles in tv dramas or film.

Patcheslondon2123 karma

what was spooge's pre meth life like

Surfingmonkeyshow48 karma

When I was coming up with the back story I took some cues from the script and I decided that spooge was an EMT or an RN who started using prescription meds that he had access to...and eventually fell into meth use.

CMelody22 karma

Welcome and thanks for doing an AMA! How did you and the other actors interact with the twins playing your son in Peekaboo to keep them from panicking or crying?

Surfingmonkeyshow28 karma

Hmmm, I don't really remember this I'm afraid. Sorry, it was 6 years ago, so my memory about some of this stuff is fuzzy. I do remember when we first met the twin's mother and I talked them about how I just had make up on and wasn't really scary.

Tylertheguitarist22 karma

How do you want Breaking Bad to end?

Surfingmonkeyshow30 karma

Wow. Hmmm. I don't know.

peculiarthoughts21 karma

How do you think the show will end?

Surfingmonkeyshow126 karma

I'm hoping it ends with a whole show about Spooge's ghost coming back to haunt Jesse.

HurricaneDylan19 karma

When was the last time you drew money from an atm?

Surfingmonkeyshow42 karma

Let me log into my bank website and get back to you on this......

Ah, Januray 16th 4:31pm

ObviouslyATurtle17 karma

Hey David loved your work on Breaking Bad! Thanks for doing this AMA!

Surfingmonkeyshow30 karma

Thanks, turtle.

19akhila9915 karma

How good was Danny Pudi's batman impression?

Surfingmonkeyshow31 karma

Impression? Danny Pudi is Batman. Or as they say in Germany Der Fleetermaus.

jamie105114 karma

Do you wish when you saw on BB that you had a scene with Walter White?

Surfingmonkeyshow51 karma

I would have loved for Spooge to have survived long enough to meet and Spooge's woman were going through a rough patch...just like Walt and Skyler.....maybe there was a missed opportunity for a story arc there....I think Skyler and Spooge would have made an adorable couple.

cherie_amour14 karma

Hi, David!

Do you have any work lined up again for Sunny and/or Breaking Bad?

Will you share some details about how the ATM scene was shot? Looked tricky and complicated, of course!

How does Danny Devito look in a towel up close?

Surfingmonkeyshow36 karma

Well, I still hold out hope that the ATM injury was just a minor wound and that I'll be called up to do a new spin off called the Spooges. As for Sunny...nothing lined up, but i just did a film with Glen Howerton called Coffetown. Should be out this year. The ATM scene was very difficult. They had a whole dug into the ground where I put my head when it starts to fall. It was held up by sandbags so that it wouldn't actually hit my head...but it still scared the && outta me. Then my stunt double actually had to lie there and bury his head into the hole when the atm came down for real.

dndplosion91314 karma

Hey David! My name is also David, so congrats on not only being a good actor but also having a good name. I'm sure someone will ask the BB questions I'd want answered, so instead I want to ask you about your brief stint on Community. What's the set like? Is there a difference of the vibe on set between a show like Community and a show like Breaking Bad? And finally, how awesome is Troy and Abed's apartment in real life?

Surfingmonkeyshow24 karma

Community and BB were two of the best shows to work one. Community and Sunny were my favorite comedies to work on. The cast on both were joking around a lot. On Community, we were doing bits in between shots. It was very much like hanging out with comics after a stand up/improv show. It was a fun atmosphere, and the director let me play around with my character and we did two different versions of the character for all the shots. A serious one, and a goofy version (they went with the more goofy one).
Breaking Bad was also a great set to be on.

Elmaschingon4513 karma

Was that girl really a skank?

Surfingmonkeyshow24 karma

Dale Dickey ain't no skank.

AMA_requester9 karma

Are you a fan of the show?

Surfingmonkeyshow19 karma

I love the show. I recently watched all of season 3 over about a day and a half. Every time I see an episode I feel so honored that I got to be a part of the show.

Herdsoot9 karma

Do you still think she's a skank?

Surfingmonkeyshow14 karma

Ain't no skank.

EverythingFerns8 karma

Was that a real ATM?

Surfingmonkeyshow14 karma

I believe it was just a prop.

dirty_pipes7 karma

Just out of curiosity, do you know how heavy the prop was? For safety reasons, I assume it wouldn't weigh as much as a real ATM. You mentioned earlier that it was a scary scene to shoot, so I was just wondering how potentially dangerous a prop ATM could be to a persons head.

Surfingmonkeyshow8 karma

I'm sure it was heavy enough to crush me...but they had an elaborate system of pullies and sandbags set up to control it's movement, so I don't think there was too much danger for what I was doing...the stunt double, however, needed to have some seriously good timing.

Rswany8 karma

Which do you enjoy more? Acting or stand-up?

(thanks for doing this, by the way!)

Surfingmonkeyshow11 karma

Thanks. I've only just started doing stand up....about 6 months ago. I'm really enjoying it. In my mind I don't really separate the two...I think of them as part of the same beast. Of course, with stand up I do my own that's different than most of my acting gigs....and rewarding in a different way.

u_drty_lout7 karma

I just watched some of your stand up and i loved it. And i know my stand up.

Surfingmonkeyshow8 karma

Thanks a lot!

Csimpson78 karma

Hi David! I was wondering if you could talk about your experience breaking into acting and how you got the role on Breaking Bad. Also, do you have any actors or directors you would like to work with in the future?

Surfingmonkeyshow24 karma

I came to acting quite late. I did some work on Japanese TV when I lived there for college...age 20 or so. Then I was a vintage clothing dealer for 8 years based in Olympia, WA. A friend asked me to do an improvised weekly soap opera at a theater there around 2000. I started doing that and immediately remembered that I love to perform. I came to LA in 2001 to do a class at the Groundlings improv school and I accidentally moved here. About a year later I booked my first gig on a tvshow...Malcolm in the Middle.
I'd love to work with Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Louis CK, Judd Apatow and any of the actors that came out of Freaks and Geeks, the Coen Bros, any Alan Ball or JJ Abrams project....this list could get very long....

samuraiadam8 karma

Which show did you enjoy working on more, Breaking bad, or community?

Surfingmonkeyshow6 karma

Both were great.... Both are among the most fun jobs I've had..

matthwatson7 karma

Where do you think Spooge got that classy nickname?

Surfingmonkeyshow11 karma

Hah, that I do not know.

gammarayman6 karma

What's the best perk of being an actor?

Surfingmonkeyshow10 karma

The food you get on set!!!

HoneyBadger936 karma

Did they rent a crappy house in Albuquerqe for that episode or did they just do a mockup in the studio?

Surfingmonkeyshow7 karma

That was an actual house that they dressed for the shoot.

Capt_Pie6 karma

Hi David! I've listened to all the Podcasts, and unfortunately you never got to be on one. The makeup is just part of the act, but the character you get into is nothing short of real. I know it is a generally basic question, but for such a terrifying role, how do you get yourself in character?

Surfingmonkeyshow9 karma

Thanks. A lot of what I do to get in character is pace around frantically and talk aloud to myself creating situations in my head and taking my character through them..Also pretending my character is being interviewed...questioned by a therapist...or talking to a guy next to him on the bus. I then let the character tell his story to answer these questions and that's how I create a back story and personality for the character.

Capt_Pie3 karma

Incredible. It really pays off. I wish you nothing but success and happiness in your future endeavors!

Surfingmonkeyshow5 karma

Thanks, captain.

tinybabymouse6 karma


Surfingmonkeyshow12 karma


Tylertheguitarist6 karma

How do you want Community to end?

Surfingmonkeyshow16 karma

I suppose with an episode that involves a huge arc for my character Rick :)

drewsephstalin5 karma

hi David, huge Breaking Bad fan here, and I really loved the episode with the Spooges :) I was wondering, how much does Vince Gilligan control on the set? Does he really help out with camera shots or setting up the scenes, or does he let the directors completely take over? Thank you

Surfingmonkeyshow8 karma

Well, I don't believe Vince was not during my scenes so I can't really say. I wasn't on the show long enough to really get an idea and be able to answer your ?. I believe he did personally add some scenes after we shot and I came in to do some audio dubbing (ADR) to fill in the added stuff.

MaureensChauffeur5 karma

Do you drive a car as cool as Juan Bobo?

Surfingmonkeyshow12 karma

I wish that I did. I drive a crappy 2003 toyota now...and it's not even purple.

itssoizzy5 karma

your twitter says you are an amateur orthopedic surgeon, is that true is are you trolling people?

Surfingmonkeyshow9 karma

Did you have a medical question for me?

RapedtheDucaneFamily5 karma

Hey David! Huge Community fan here! What was it like working with the cast? If you were asked to reprise your role for a future episode would you? Thanks for taking time out of your schedule to do this AMA!

Surfingmonkeyshow7 karma

I would gladly reprise the role. Hopefully they'll write something in with Rick next season.

Here's my answer from a previous similiar ?

Community and BB were two of the best shows to work one. Community and Sunny were my favorite comedies to work on. The cast on both were joking around a lot. On Community, we were doing bits in between shots. It was very much like hanging out with comics after a stand up/improv show. It was a fun atmosphere, and the director let me play around with my character and we did two different versions of the character for all the shots. A serious one, and a goofy version (they went with the more goofy one). Breaking Bad was also a great set to be on.

robpoor5 karma

Love your Breaking Bad and Community episodes, and I'm really enjoying the Surfing Monkey Show. As a character actor do you find yourself pigeoned-holed into certain roles or are you lucky enough to get offered a variety of roles.

Surfingmonkeyshow9 karma

Well, I'd say 90% of the roles I audition for are scum bags of one sort or another....creepy guy, homeless guy, creepy homeless guy. On occasion I get something different. I booked a lead role in an indie film last year where I would have played a pessimistic devils advocate voice in someones head...very true to my own character...but I had to turn it down because I was already working on the film Coffeetown which should be hilarious. Within a few months of each other I played Spooge and a clean cut donut shop owner on Disney's Zeke and Luther sometimes I get a variety. I'd like to get to play a normal citizen or an undercover cop or something someday.

therealdaredevil5 karma

First, Breaking Bad is one of (if not 'the') best shows ever, so you have that going for you, however, I've always had a big crush on Elizabeth Berkley and I want to know what it was like to work with her? She's the cat's meow!

Also, have you and your brother had any luck finding your real parents?

Thanks for doing this AMA.

Surfingmonkeyshow5 karma

Thanks. I agree that BB is one of the best shows ever. I'm actually watching it in the background as I do this.

Elizabeth Berkley was very nice. We had a good time working out our scenes together. She also devotes a lot of her time to her own charity work for young girls. very cool.

ThatsKenny5 karma

What inspired you to become an actor? Any favorite actors?

Surfingmonkeyshow7 karma

Here's a repost of my answer to a similar ? I came to acting quite late. I did some work on Japanese TV when I lived there for college...age 20 or so. Then I was a vintage clothing dealer for 8 years based in Olympia, WA. A friend asked me to do an improvised weekly soap opera at a theater there around 2000. I started doing that and immediately remembered that I love to perform. I came to LA in 2001 to do a class at the Groundlings improv school and I accidentally moved here. About a year later I booked my first gig on a tvshow...Malcolm in the Middle. I'd love to work with Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Louis CK, Judd Apatow and any of the actors that came out of Freaks and Geeks, the Coen Bros, any Alan Ball or JJ Abrams project....this list could get very long....

wtuckerCSAB5 karma


Surfingmonkeyshow11 karma

Not on the street...but last week I took my car into the mechanic and after a while he said...I just figured out where I recognized you from.

It happens once a month or so.

wevcss5 karma

How did that ATM feel?

Surfingmonkeyshow20 karma

Like Money!

icameforthecookies5 karma

What is your dream role? Who stars opposite of you in the dream role?

Surfingmonkeyshow6 karma

If my long lost identical twin brother Ken Tanaka's life story is ever made, I'd love to have a part in that film/show opposite him...

I_Framed_RogerRabbit5 karma

Who was your favorite actor on set?

Surfingmonkeyshow8 karma

I can't say I have a favorite. Everyone was great to work with. Dale Dickey, Aaron Paul, Charles Baker. Getting to work with actors like that is so fulfilling.

HouseNinja4 karma

Do you ever catch flak in real life for what Spooge did in Breaking Bad?

Surfingmonkeyshow5 karma

Hah, that hasn't happened yet.


Just watched your actors reel, and it looks like it would be fun to able to be involved in such a variety of shows, so my question is, would you rather be jumping around doing bit-parts on multiple shows or being a more major part of one long-term?

Surfingmonkeyshow5 karma

Jumping around is fun, but I'd love to have a consistent gig. The most episodes I've done for a show was 12 on Disney XD's Zeke and Luther. I'd like to be able to go to work everyday and work with the same group for an extended time. Being a guest is fun, but I'm usually only there for a day to a week, and then I move on. I'd love to have a role that I could work on over an extended period. And of course you need to book a whole lot of those little jobs to make ends meet.

Davidrawr4 karma

What are some of your favorite Movies?

Surfingmonkeyshow16 karma

It's a Wonderful Life, Harold and Maude, The Graduate, Being There, Blade Runner, Inglorious Basterds, Totoro, Zatoichi, Ran, Easy Rider, Alvin and the Chipmunks 2, the Squeakquel

JehovahsHalibut4 karma

Thanks for the AMA! What was the most humorous experience you'd say happened on the BB set, if any?

Surfingmonkeyshow12 karma

I looked so nasty as Spooge that crew people kept cringing at me, and some people kept staring trying to figure out if I was supposed to be there or not. Twice I was told by security that I couldn't be on set. Once someone working for the catering stopped me when I grabbed a bag of cheetos (NOT FRITOS) and told me it was for people working on the show. That helped me keep in character :) We were shooting in some sketchy areas at night, so I blended in well with the riff raff.

louisaahh4 karma

Thank you for your time. You did such a great job on brba. I fucking hated you ! :D

Surfingmonkeyshow9 karma

Awww, schucks. thanks.

mtlbox3 karma

I enjoyed watching your stand up, do you plan on doing more of that?

Surfingmonkeyshow5 karma

Thanks. Yes, I'm putting a lot of time into stand up right now. I try to do it a couple nights a week. I hope to be able to do some shows in other cities soon.

mtlbox2 karma

Great I hope you get to do that. Any way for me to keep an eye out for that? Got a website? or twitter?


I know Spooge was a devoted husband to the lovely yet misunderstood Dale Dickey, but if the beautiful angel that is Wendy presented herself to him, what would he have done? Spooge is merely human like the rest of us...oh what could have been. I hope when Wendy inevitably overdoses she brings him burgers in hell, and the love that never was, could

Created by Vince Gilligan

Surfingmonkeyshow7 karma

I had that Wendy song in my head for days after watching that episode. I was singing it in the water while I surfed.

dmtnaut073 karma

Just as everyone else has said, I absolutely loved your scenes in Breaking Bad.

I really appreciated the real grittiness that came with your character and it allows such a deep show to maintain its value throughout every scene; which was very evident throughout your moments in the show.

You mentioned you briefly worked on Malcolm in the Middle (I remembered that but didnt know it was you until a later viewing) but did you ever think you'd be working with Bryan again? And under such circumstances as a show like this one?

PS- Where can I get an autograph of you as Spooge? lol lol PPS- Just added you on twit :)

Surfingmonkeyshow8 karma

Ha. Malcolm was my first gig so I was just happy to be there. I wasn't even thinking about future fact, I was still just experimenting with acting. Before I worked on Breaking Bad, people kept telling me about this new show about Meth that I'd be perfect for....starring the dad from Malcolm in the Middle. I was playing a fair amount of meth addict type roles at the time. I kept hearing about the show but never saw it till I got an audition. I bought the pilot off of itunes to prepare for the audition. Then I ended up watching the entire first season. Although I didn't work with Bryan directly on either show I 'm very glad I got to be a part of both of them.

polaroid283 karma

Hey David, I know this isn't the best question to ask but, were you expecting your character to continue further in the series before the episode where your wife crushed the atm on your head?

Surfingmonkeyshow11 karma

I didn't know anything about the role when I got it. They actually gave me an old script to audition with...probably because they wanted to keep the material from getting out into the world. I thought I would only get one episode, so I was happy when I found out I'd be doing two. So I definitely wasn't expecting to be a character that recurred through the series or anything....but of course it's always a bit sad when you see your character is gonna die. Thankfully Spooge had a very memorable death :)

polaroid286 karma

Haha believe me, Spooge's death was one of the most memorable deaths in the series. And I have one more question. What was it like working with Bryan Cranston?

Surfingmonkeyshow17 karma

I didn't actually get to work with Mr. Cranston on BB. However ,my first gig was Malcolm in the Middle. I had a tiny bit part...I was basically just pantomiming and maybe said one word. At the table read before we shot, Mr. Cranston came up to me, introduced himself, shook my hand and thanked me for doing the show. That always stuck in my mind. That is true class.

jet_tripleseven3 karma

Hey David, thanks for doing this!

How exactly did they film the ATM scene without actually crushing your skull?

Surfingmonkeyshow8 karma

The ATM scene was very difficult. They had a whole dug into the ground where I put my head when it starts to fall. It was held up by sandbags so that it wouldn't actually hit my head...but it still scared the && outta me. Then my stunt double actually had to lie there and bury his head into the hole when the atm came down for real.

atreyu1rckr3 karma

Hi David. Was it tough to play Spooge because he was a crazy meth head or no?

Surfingmonkeyshow2 karma

The biggest challenge of playing Spooge was maintaing the constant aggravated, anxious energy of the character while filming long hours over several days.

solastalgic3 karma

You mentioned you were new to stand-up, so I have to ask, have you gotten your first heckler yet?

Surfingmonkeyshow3 karma

Yes, I got heckled pretty early on while doing an open mic in a seedy bar. Good Practice. I did a private show for a birthday party last week and was heckled like crazy there...but in a good spirited way.

AlwaysGettingHopOns3 karma

YOUR episode was what got my entire family into BrBa with the ATM.... man what crazy shit that was.... anyways, when you found out what the plan was, what was your reaction?

Surfingmonkeyshow8 karma

When I got to set to shoot the little cameo in the first episode..people kept coming up to me and saying...have you seen what they're gonna to do you in the next episode. I hadn't seen it yet...but I knew it was going to be something crazy because so many people kept coming up to me.

aubra_cadabra3 karma

You in the ATM scene felt so raw, and real. Did it take a lot of takes to get the final? What is the amount of time that you spent trying to execute that scene?

Awesome acting and stand-up. Thanks for doing this AMA!

Surfingmonkeyshow3 karma

Thanks. It was a long grueling scene. It was 5 years ago or so and I can't really remember how long it took or how many takes we did, but I'm sure we spent most of a day on that scene.

Drizaya3 karma

Hi David!! Hope you're having a fantabulous Sunday evening. I was just curious as to how the did the prosthetics for your teeth? did you have alginate impressions taken and then prosthetics that fit over? Thanks so much:D

Surfingmonkeyshow9 karma

I actually didn't have prosthetics. I have naturally beautifully gapped teeth :) They just painted on a bunch of gunk and maybe put some wax or something on there.

Jfinn23 karma

Hey David! Huge fan of your work. How did you get the role for breaking bad?

Surfingmonkeyshow5 karma

Thanks. Like the majority of my film/tv roles, I was called in to audition from my agent's submission. I auditioned using a script they gave me from a previous episode.

itssoizzy3 karma

Are you doing any stand up shows soon? if so, where?

Surfingmonkeyshow5 karma

I don't have anything booked right now. I do a lot of shows in the LA area. follow my twitter. I always announce them. @isthisdavidury

onetimertony2 karma


Surfingmonkeyshow3 karma

I'm Squidward, damn it. Why do people keep confusing me for Spongebob

VadersSpy2 karma

I have to say Spooge is a very memorable character. What did you do to prepare for it?

When the series started I had no personal knowledge of what methheads were like. I do now, I don't want to go into how, but no I'm not a user. I know a man who became so paranoid on it he actually removed every bit of drywall in his home to find the cameras the police had hidden to watch him smoke his meth. I find the show so believable because of performances like yours, really honest.

Also, please tell me Arron Paul is a complete dick and hates puppies. I want to find a reason to not have a man crush on him but he's just so goddamn hard not to love. Sling some dirt on him, please.

Lastly thanks for taking time to chat with us. Love being connected to such an awesome project through Reddit.

Surfingmonkeyshow3 karma

I can do nothing to alleviate your heavy duty man crush. I think you're just going to have to accept it.

As for preparing for the role...I've answered a few ?s along those lines so just take a look at the earlier comments. Thanks

itssoizzy2 karma

that joke about the 2 woman kissing was hilarious

Surfingmonkeyshow2 karma


Akchemist1872 karma

Dude you're freaking hilarious you should do more stand up and acting would love to see you in more tv shows, not necessarily as a meth/crack addict even as the funny guy that gets the occasional moment on the show but makes the moment last for a long time, also great job on breaking bad too bad you had to be killed off man, bummer.

Surfingmonkeyshow3 karma

Thanks a lot. I'm hoping that my stand up will help get me some more comedic roles in the future.

DeusExMachina951 karma

How does it feel to have an ATM for a head?

Surfingmonkeyshow1 karma


Valkyrie19111 karma

Hi David! I hope I'm not too late to the party. What was it like working with on set with everyone? I'd imagine it pretty damn awesome.

Edit: looks like I got too excited before I posted this and you already answered that question. Any way, you did an awesome job on your character. You have a lot of talent and I will be checking out your other work.

Surfingmonkeyshow2 karma

It was very awesome. I answered some similar questions about the experience...just check the bottom of the comments. thanks